Free Essays on How Did The Show Trials Consolidate Stalins Power

  1. The Following Were All Equally Important Reasons Why Stalin Was Able to Hold on to Power in the Soviet Union:

    equally important reasons why Stalin was able to hold on to power in the Soviet Union: the purges and show trials the secret police propaganda and the cult of personality Stalin’s economic Explain how far you agree with this statement. Stalin was the dictator of the Soviet...

  2. Raise of Stalin

    After Lenin’s death, Bolshevik entered a period of power struggle. Although Trotsky, according to the testament of Lenin, was believed to be the potential leader, Stalin still became the party leader at the end. Stalin’s raise of power was a result of his political influences, social influences, his...

  3. Hitler and Stalin

     Hitler and Stalin Joel A Souza Eng220 May 5, 2015 Jeffery Jack Hitler and Stalin The era before World War II saw the rise of two national leaders, Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin. Both of these men rose to power and drastically transformed their countries. Each leader had their own...

  4. Ideological Differences Played Little Part in the Origin of the Cold War.’ How Far Do You Agree with This Judgement?

    an idea can be formed to show the main origins of the Cold War. Originating from the early 20th century, if not before, a general mistrust and suspicion between the Soviets and West lingered, adding to the fragile allied relationship. The characters of the leader’s in power was also an important cause...

  5. Stalin's Show Trials

    Purges and Show Trials In 1931-1932, Stalin's brutal collectivisation policy began to be criticized by some Communist Party members. Stalin gradually becmae more isolated and paranoid. After Sergei Kirov's support at the 1934 Party Conference, he was assassinated. It is thought that Stalin organized...

  6. How Far Do You Agree That a Study of Russia in the Period from 1855 to 1956 Suggests That Change Was Always Imposed from Above?

    How far do you agree that a study of Russia in the period from 1855 to 1956 suggests that change was always imposed from above? Throughout the period 1855-1956, it’s clear that with both the Tsars and the Bolsheviks, change was, often implemented from both the leaders and the people, However, under...

  7. How far did relations between East and West change during the Cold War period from 1948 to the 1980s?

    How far did relations between East and West change during the Cold War period from 1948 to the 1980s? The period of 1948 to the 1980s includes a thaw in Cold war relations after 1953, but also covers a series of crises. This essay will discuss how far the period marks a significant change in relations...

  8. “the Berlin Blockade Was the Turning Point in the Outbreak of the Cold War in the Period 1945-1949.” How Far Is This Statement Accurate?

    “The Berlin Blockade was the turning point in the outbreak of the Cold War in the period 1945-1949.” How far is this statement accurate? The Berlin Blockade (June 1948 – May 1949) marked the first time when the first underlying tensions between the superpowers after the German Question threatened...

  9. How far do you agree with the view that Truman's decision to intervene in Korea War s spontaneous response to an unexpected decision? (25)

    How far do you agree with the view that Truman’s decision to intervene in Korea was a spontaneous response to an unexpected invasion? (25) The spontaneousness of Truman’s decision and the expectedness of the invasion was arguably interconnected by other concerns and actions of the US, the USSR, China...

  10. Joseph Stalin Rise the Scope of His Dictatorship

    Joseph Stalin Rise the Scope of his Dictatorship (1924-1934 : An Introduction During Stalin rise and strengthening of his power , he put into operation several drastic policies and modus operandi so as to realize his objectives these policies had a deep influence on Russian culture and traditions...

  11. The Main Factor That Allows Stalin to Rise to Power

    How far do you agree that the weaknesses and mistakes of Stalin’s rivals was the main factor allowing Stalin to rise to power? Throughout the summer of 1923, Lenin lay close to death, and a lull settled over the political struggle. But the battle lines were forming in the Politburo and Central Committee...

  12. Stalin Theories

    goal and in need of a strong leader” No one was a match for Stalin Lenin stricken in mind and body and scarcely able to work realised to late the true nature of his quote ‘wonderful Georgian’ Many acknowledge that Trotsky underestimated Stalin The administrative approach Ward: P.21 Stalin’s accumulation...

  13. Cold war

     How far do you agree with the view that the development of the Cold War in the years 1945-8 owed more to Soviet expansionism than to USA’s economic interests? The Cold War, dated from 1945 to 1991, was a sustained state of political and military tension between powers in the Western Bloc, dominated...

  14. Analyse the factors that lead to Hitler’s initial consolidation of Nazi power 1933-34.

    Hitler’s initial consolidation of Nazi power 1933-34. On 30 January, 1933, Hitler was appointed as Chancellor of Germany. However, initially he did not have absolute control, as he headed a cabinet of political opponents who did not believe in handing Hitler total power. As a result, through luck and the...

  15. What Were the Causes of the 1905 Revolution? Why Did the Revolution Fail to Overthrow the Tsarist Regime?

    This essay will cover the reasons in which I think the 1905 Russian revolution was a failure. However I will also look at how it was not a complete failure and then come to a conclusion by summarising and weighing up the failures against the successes. Firstly though before a judgement can be made...

  16. History Stalin

    gained was used to fund imports for industry and technology, making peasants a source for labour. After 1945 the state took 60-70% of harvested grains. Stalins paranoia made him distrust the peasantry, regarding them as individualistic therefore making them bad socialists 1945 planned target...

  17. what was the short term significance of the purges on russian government and society

    agendas. Stalin caused political annihilation of the Bolshevik party. After Lenin’s death in 1924, the original party started to disappear. By 1938 Stalin himself was the only original who hadn’t been killed, exiled or disappeared. The montage of the 1917 Central Committee entitled “STALIN, THE EXECUTIONER...

  18. Cold War revision guide

    in your revision: 1. The post-Stalin thaw and the bid for peaceful coexistence in 1950s: a) USSR: Khrushchev b) USA: the responses of Dulles, Eisenhower and Kennedy. the continuation of the Cold War in the 1950s following the retirement of Truman & death of Stalin, despite the bid for improved relations...

  19. comparison of trotsky and lenin

    this revolution to identify how much Lenin and Trotsky had done to prepare and consequently carry out the October Revolution. According to Isaac Deutscher, a writer well known for his biographies of Trotsky and Stalin, Trotsky did not contribute to the revolution as much as did Lenin. He states “the years...

  20. What Reasons Did the United States Have for Using the Aromic Bombs Toward Japan 1945?

    A Plan of the investigation What reasons did the US. have for using the atomic bombs towards Japan in 1945? This investigation aims to assess the different factors leading up to the American president Harry S. Truman’s decision to use the atomic bomb as a mean to force Japan to surrender...

  21. How similar were the causes and consequences of the Hungarian uprising and the Prague Spring? [50]

    How similar were the causes and consequences of the Hungarian uprising and the Prague Spring? [50] The Hungarian Uprising of 56 and Prague Spring of 68 share and differ on a number of causes and consequences in terms of political, economic, social and physical themes. Having entered a period of reform...

  22. The Ego, the Law, a Trial and Franz Kafka.

    The ego, the law, a trial and Franz Kafka. He who devotes his heart to this world will be subjected to three conditions: endless grief, unquenchable desire and futile hope. - Imam al-Sadiq (may God have mercy on him) The Trial is a text, which brings a sense of trouble and unease to the reader...

  23. Totalitarianism in Germany

    vulnerability after the war. In Germany, Adolf Hitler rose to power through his hypnotic talent as an orator and like Mussolini, promised to protect Germany from communism. And in the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin secured himself as leader through a bitter power struggle with Leon Trotsky. After World War I, heavy...

  24. Why Did Stalin Gain the Struggle for Power

    Why did Stalin win the Struggle for Power? When Lenin died in 1924 his most likely successor was Trotsky. Trotsky was liked by the Russian people and he was the 'organising genius behind the Red Army during the Civil War'. After Lenin's death Trotsky made mistakes which allowed Stalin to win the struggle...

  25. alexander vich noche

    serve his sentence.[2] Here he first met Stalin: a fellow inmate with whom he engaged in ideological disputes.[3] After his release, he returned home to Baku for the birth of his daughter Zinaida in 1909. Soon thereafter, he returned to Kiev University and did quite well. He was even considered for a...

  26. Animal Farm

    time, the book is a splendid work of art. In this book Orwell succeeded fully in fusing his political purpose with his artistic purpose. If Animal Farm did not have an artistic character, it would have been merely a political tract. As it is, this book conveys a political message and a political philosophy...

  27. Summary Table Justice Game

    TECHNIQUES |CONFLICTING PERSPECTIVE | |The Oz Trials |I knew about the law – but nothing about justice |The law is supposed...

  28. Why did Stalin rather than Trotsky emerge as leader of the USSR in 1929?

    Why did Stalin rather than Trotsky emerge as the leader of the USSR in 1929? A power struggle for control of the Bolshevik party began after Vladimir Lenin's death in 1924. Among the several contenders, two of the most important names in this struggle were Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin. Ultimately...

  29. Guide to Animal Farm

    day and they are not strong economically either, mainly because they focus on developing their military. However, China is a growing economic super power. The Communist Party of China goes all the way back to 1921. Soon after the party was created, a civil war broke out in China. The Communists defeated...

  30. Case Study- How Diet Effects Mental Health After Pregnancy

    March 25, 2010 How Your Diet Can Raise The Risk of Postpartum Depression The MGH Center for Women's Mental Health has written a great analysis of recent research into the impact of diet and nutrition on mental health.  They take a look at two different studies, one published in the Archives of General...

  31. Power: Good or Bad

    Paper Power: Good or Bad? There are all types of influences that play an important role on the political, economical, and cultural well-being of a society. However, when these influences take on a superior stronghold a community can be subject to unjust or corrupt power. In 1887, John...

  32. Whatever

    How is George Orwell’s Animal Farm a Satire of the Russian revolution Research Methods – IAUCTB Hossein H. K. Jabbari – June 2013   Introduction This research paper aims to clarify that George Orwell's Animal Farm is a political satire, which was written to criticize totalitarian regimes...

  33. Why Did Stalin Rather Than Trotsky Emerge as Leader of the Ussr by 1929?

    several of fights in between the party the resultant leader was Joseph Stalin who due to his political skills and his personal characteristics managed to become the leader of the communist party. Along this essay, the emergence of Stalin as a leader of the USSR by 1929 rather than Trotsky will be analyzed...

  34. Who or What Does Shakespeare Show to Be Responsible for the Murder of Duncan in His Play Macbeth.

    Who or what does Shakespeare show to be responsible for the murder of Duncan in his play Macbeth. Shakespeare wrote his play Macbeth in the time when James I was reigning king over England and Ireland and who had previously been James VI of Scotland. James I was a patron of Shakespeare's acting...

  35. how to manage organization

    work together. Organizations need offer new rules to solve barrier of cross culture (Hosfstede & Kolman, 2003). This research report aims discusses how to manage organizational culture through explanation of organizational culture definition, discuss its functions and analyze its impact on operation...

  36. The Cold War Quotes

    was the Cold War. This war which leaves society questioning to which super power was to blame leaving both was to blame. Both sides had different beliefs and ideas. The spread of communism straight after World War II helped Stalin gradually tightened his control throughout Eastern Europe. Cominform also...

  37. Terror and Repression in Nazi Germany

    through other terms. Brutality was often reserved for minority groups as per Nazi ideologies presented under Hitler. The SA and SS had ever increasing power over these groups. In 1921 Adolph Hitler formed his own private army called Sturm Abteilung (Storm Section). The SA were instructed to disrupt the...

  38. An Analysis of Eric Arthur Blairs Writing

    happen to the world. In each of these two novels he attempts to accomplish a certain goal. In 1984 Orwell warns against leaders who are hungry for power. These people would not hesitate to deprive individuals of everyday freedom if it meant prolonging their control, he also warns against excessive censorship...

  39. How Far Was the Sino-Soviet Split the Result of Ideological Differences Between the Two Communist Powers?

    the 1930s, Stalin supported the Guomindang. He did this because he saw that the nationalists seemed to offer a better opposition to Japanese expansion in China. Hence for the soviets, national interests took precedence over ideological solidarity. But it is important to note that Stalin did see the CCP...

  40. Why Stalin and Not Trotsky

    Thursday 9th July 2009 Explain why Stalin and not Trotsky emerged as Lenin’s successor? In this essay I am going to explain why Stalin emerged as Lenin’s successor. There are many reasons for this from eliminating opposition and taking sides with the NEP. At the start it looked as if Trotsky was...

  41. Animal Farm, Satire essay

    Animal Farm - Essay Discuss the main issues explored in the text and explore how these issues are represented in society Animal Farm is a satirical text published in 1945 and is based on farm animals as the name of the book suggests. It is a fable set in England in which animals forcibly remove...

  42. Scott Peterson Trial

    Great Trials of the 20th Century Scott Peterson By Cody Bruce Professor Jon Davis Spartanburg Community College English 101 15 September 2009 It is my belief that the Scott Peterson trial verdict was wrong. The evidence that was collected against him was circumstantial at best and for...

  43. China, Cold War.

    factories and workshops, install the latest equipment and create many new industries. A) How far does this source prove that relations were good between China and the USSR from 1949 – 1976? This source shows that the USSR was actively involved in the industrial enhancement of the PRC. China wanted...

  44. In What Ways Does Orwell Criticize Soviet Communism in Animal Farm and to What Extent Is His Analysis Based on Real Historical Events?

    police during the Spanish War, which made him write Animal Farm as an open criticism to the way Soviet Communism was developing under the leadership of Stalin back in 1945 when the book was first published. This story of a group of animals on a farm, who rebel against their human masters, reflects in many...

  45. Life Under Stalin

    The Real Life Under Stalin Joseph Stalin was a totalitarian dictator of the USSR for 25 years, from 1928 to 1953. Many things needed to be fixed in the USSR in those times. Stalin claimed he was fixing them. He fooled everybody into believing he was fixing these problems, but really, he lied and hid...

  46. How to Quit Your Job

    I get asked a lot how I afford to travel and not have a conventional 9-5 full time job. There are many aspects to how this works for me…but here are a couple of the things I did and am doing to get to where I am now: I sold most of my expensive material possessions (i.e. Tag Heuer watch, Celine...

  47. Dbq : Should Fdr Be Impeached for Prolonging the Wwii ?

    into two opposing military alliances, the Allies and the Axis powers. The Allies consisted of the heads of government of China, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and the United States, which later became known as the "Big Four." The Axis powers were configured with three major communist countries Nazi Germany...

  48. Trial Process

    pre-law, or another forensic science major help understand it more or quicker if you didn’t read the chapter before the midterm. The first step in the trial process is selecting the jurors. The jurors are chosen by means specified in the particular legislation of the state. Usually the designated official...

  49. Stalin's Five Year Plans

    Question 1 Stalin was a proud man and was always aware of his image; he was keen to be seen as an impressive and inspiring leader. When he introduced the Five Year Plans he brought glory upon himself. This however, wasn’t the only reason that he introduced the plans. Other reasons include: Russia...

  50. Five-Year Plan

    right in a short-term period. However, Stalin’s main aim was to rapidly industrialise and he was prepared to go to any limit to accomplish this. So Stalin created a state planning commission called Gosplan. This committee organised a series of five-year plans, which consisted of several targets Russia...

  51. Within the Whirlwind

    battle. Stalin was in power in the Soviet Union and ruled with an iron fist. He systematically eradicated all of his ideological enemies but exaggerating or flat out falsifying information that someone is a Trotyskist, counter revolutionary, terrorist or saboteur. Eugenia Ginzburg says Stalin and Hitler...

  52. The Twenties and Thirties, Great Depression

    you wore yesterday, except they are completely filthy and have lots of holes in places like the knees and elbows. You have no access to a mirror to show you what you look like so you go to touch you hair with your hand and find it to be a pile of grease and dirt that obviously hasn't been washed in days...


    to throw Mr. Jones out of the farm and they finally take advantage of the night when he forgets to feed the animals. The pigs, who taught themselves how to read, rename Manor Farm to Animal Farm. They also come up with seven commandments that all the animals must follow and print them on the barn wall...

  54. The Civil Trial in the Life of Christ

    The Civil Trial in the Life of Christ Picture the scene, if you will, of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, having been arrested by a horde of Temple police and Roman soldiers, with His disciples fleeing for their lives, one leaving his clothing behind, having been denied by Peter, and facing a kangaroo...

  55. What Did the Berlin Wall Mean to Both Sides in the Cold War? Why Did It Mean so Much?

    What did the Berlin Wall mean to both sides in the Cold War? Why did it mean so much? From 1945 until early 1961 Berlin was run as four and then two separate states, run by separate powers but ultimately the same city. The Berlin Wall, built by the Soviets on 13th August. It was built along the dividing...

  56. Comparison of Lenin and Stalin's Chractaristics

    differences in the characters of Lenin and Stalin. Both Lenin and Stalin were quite clever and ambitious politicians. Lenin came to power in 1917 as the head of the Bolshevik party after many years of planning, and he was leader of Russia until his death in 1924. Stalin won the struggle with Trotsky to become...

  57. How America Was Found

    group is responsible on its own how to distribute the work! 3. Every member of a group has to write 4 reports. The reports for Experiment 1 (Usage of Multimeter) and for Experiment 2 (Ohm’s Law) are mandatory. These are the first two experiments and also a training on how to write a report. Objective of...

  58. How Far Would You Agree That the October Revolution Was a Coup Rather Than a Popular Uprising

    How far would you agree that the October Revolution was a coup d’état rather than a popular uprising? On the 25th of September 1917, the then Prime Minister, Kerensky, induced the appointment of a new cabinet. The creation of this cabinet was the fourth Provisional Government, the third coalition...

  59. Matyás Rákosi Regime

    Dawns (1945-1956) Matyás Rákosi Regime: Overview The years 1945 to 1956 were really harsh for the people of Hungary since a new leader came to power: Matyás Rákosi. Rákosi was a really hard and strict charismatic leader that was in charge of Hungary a big period of time in the middle’s of the 20th...

  60. China and Pearl Harbor

    was one of the main reasons as to why the United States decided to get involved with Japan and why Japan later attacked Pearl Harbor. One way that shows China was one of the main reasons the U.S. became involved was the different policies in China. Japan and the U.S. had different policies when it came...