Activity Analysis

Activity Analysis


I. Activity

The activity project chosen is a twist style for natural or relaxed hair. This hair style creates curls in the hair without the use of rollers or rods. It's a great protective style which gives hair a break from heating tools (flat irons or curlers). This style can last up to two weeks.

II. Objects Used and Their Properties

Cantu Shea Butter Curling Custard Size 12 oz smooth, thick and creamy texture
Luster's Original Pink Lotion Size 8 oz - smooth and thick liquid
Ampro Protein Hair Styling Gel - thick sticky texture
Comb - hard with pointed edges
Brush - hard with smooth bristles
Rubber bands - small and elastic for stretching

A. Tools and Equipment (Can be purchased at local Beauty Supply Store)
Comb - Can be purchased for $1 - $2
Brush - Can be purchased for $2 - $3

B. Materials and Supplies (Can be purchased at local Beauty Supply Store)
Luster's Original Pink Lotion - purchased for $4 - $5
Cantu Shea Butter Curling Custard - purchased for $8 - $12
Ampro Protein Hair Styling Gel - Can be purchased for $1- $2

III. Space Demands

To produce this hairstyle, the best place to be is in enclosed in your bathroom. The bathroom is helps to reduce noise volume, creates focus and provides privacy. Most bathrooms also have the proper space for hair products and tools. Instead of going back and forth to other rooms, all supplies are located in one area. The bathroom also has a mirror in which you can see yourself producing the twist style. In addition to using the mirror, the lighting may be best in the bathroom area.

IV. Social Demands

If the person is capable, all aspects of the hair style can be performed independently. To achieve this, For this hair style, the person can sit or stand alone in a mirror within an enclosed area. However, an additional person can provide assistance. The areas in which a person can help are: applying products to hair,...

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