Adult Development

Adult Development

  • Submitted By: spmerc1
  • Date Submitted: 02/24/2014 2:09 PM
  • Category: Psychology
  • Words: 2130
  • Page: 9
  • Views: 77

Adult Development 1

Final Paper
Stephen P. Mercado, Adult Development
Hope International University
Professor Robb Ring, M.A.

Adult Development 2
Life experiences, challenges and accomplishments shape adult developments. These stages of developments are series of life events that will help adult to transition to the next stage. Some of the development crises are essential for growth and will enable adult to learn and adjust to their full potential.
The film, “Follow Me Boys”, started in a bus where a group of travelling musicians found themselves in a crossroad of their young career. A mild mannered man, Lemuel, who dreams of being a lawyer, is faced with uncertainty of his future but still very upbeat and very expectant of finding an honest job. This stage in adult development is critical because this is when the concept of age clock is practically used. The band members including Lemuel appear to look older at that stage of adult development. They all looked like in their early thirty’s and seem to be progressing through life rather slowly. Almost at the end of the film, his adopted son, Whitey, who is a medical doctor in the Army and recently married, looked younger and vibrant and progressing through life rather quickly. Edward “Whitey” White, Jr typifies a young developing adult in contrast to his adopted father, Lemuel, who appeared much older when he was at that stage, in transition and starting a family. These two characters in the film differ in their chronological age and psychological age at that point of their career. Lemuel showed his psychological age more matured by showing his resiliency and ability to adapt to social and environmental demands. Lemuel “Lem” Siddons is a person in midlife that is focused on the present while Edward “Whitey” White is a young person focused in the future. Nevertheless, the textbook stated that it is difficult if not impossible to pinpoint stages of adult development solely on the basis age...

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