


People all around the world are aware that bullying is wrong; calling someone names has absolutely no profitable purpose. Furthermore, hitting someone makes a bully feel powerful in the moment while doing perpetual damage to the individual being victimized. With the advancements of technology and social media, individuals now have even more opportunities to harass through cyberbullying. Bullying has been around for decades, but do we really know the long term, devastating effects it leaves on its victims?
One of the effects of bullying is it can modify the victim's personality. It can force people to transition from confident and cheerful to self-conscious, afraid, and indecisive. In some instances, the victims become depressed or suicidal. Their confidence may diminish, keeping the victims from pursuing new things or trusting people. Once you have become a victim of bullying, your confidence level deflates your drive or initiative to try new things. Victims of bullying displays behavioral modifications and feelings of worthlessness.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" is not true in many cases. Bullies use height, weight, appearance, physical disabilities, sexual orientation, etc. to attack ones victim. Over time the victim may begin to believe that there is actually something wrong with his or her abilities. The victim may start to feel that they are the problem, rather than the bully. I believe that verbal abuse is most commonly started as joke but quickly escalates increasing in intensity and frequency. I think people do not really realize how much harm verbally abusing someone truly does, considering the fact that name-calling, teasing, and making fun of does not physically bruise or scar someone; therefore, verbal abuse can emotionally scar victims which can frequently be just as bad as physical abuse. For example, when a person is continuously told they are fat, they begin to believe that they really are...

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