

In the 1900s Government corruption was very high. It was linked both to Democratic and Republican parties and political machines. Political machines usually made deals with the lumber companies, and railroads and these companies would support the machines in a political campaign. Reformers were trying to recreate an honest government. Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, and Howard Taft, each reformers had different reform policies but wanted the same result.
Roosevelt wanted to reform The United Mine Workers strike. This was when 150,000 coal miners went on strike for higher wages and recognition of their United Mine Workers Union. Conservatives argue for the president to send the U.S Army to force strikers to go back to work. He persuaded the both sides to accept arbitration. Which is the process by two opposing sides to allow a third party to settle dispute? President Roosevelt had many other reforms such as Elkins act, Hepburn Act, Meat inspection, Drug act, etc.
Taft also wanted to reform the Government he started with the Mann-Elkins act which gave regulatory powers of the interstate commerce commission to telephone and telegraphic companies. Taft also helped contribute to the adoption of the 16th amendment which states can’t raise charge taxes based on individual’s income. Taft helped promote Environmental conservation by adding forests reserve. Taft had many other reforms.
President Wilson also wanted reforms in the government he started with the banks. He created the Federal Reserve which created a three tiered banking system. At the top was the Federal Board, 12 federal banks, lastly was private . President Wilson had other reforms.
Each of these presidents had Good reforms. I believe that only one person did it best which was Theodore Roosevelt because he was for the people of the working class. He did that by creating something for both sides. Equality. Roosevelt helped create the FDA or Food and...

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