goodlife in ancient india

goodlife in ancient india

Living the good life in Ancient India was was based on being loyal to what the society of Ancient India . I noticed that in Ancient India the people valued loyalty quite a bit. I saw mostly that the Indians were making it important to be loyal to their family, their caste, and their soul.
The ancient indians valued staying loyal to your family greatly in their society. If you committed adultery on your wife there were harsh punishments! For example in the “Laws of Manu” it states “ V11.352 Men who commit adultery with the wives of others. the king shall cause to be markers by punishments which cause terror, and afterwards banish.” (laws of manu). Therefore if an ancient citizen cheated on his wife he would be banished from his caste which means he would be sent away from the country and could not return and see his family ever again. This shows how the ancient indians valued loyalty to your family greatly because they had such harsh punishments for betraying your family,and how much family meant to them. It may seem strange but someone could not value their family without valuing their caste.
They had to value their caste to value their family because if they did not value their caste then bad things would happen to them. Those bad things would happens because they were not being loyal to their caste and If they were not being loyal their caste it can end badly for them in many ways. They could get harsh punishment like extra duties or even worse they could be banished from your caste like it says in the “laws of manu” “X.97 it is better to discharge one's own appointed duty incompletely than to perform completely that of another; for he who lives according to the law of another caste is instantly excluded from his own.” (laws of manu) And if you were to be banished you could not be loyal to your family. Also In “bhagavad-gita” It displays a situation where a young man is given the choice to fight in a war against his family or be loyal to his caste. He is...

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