Inpersonal Conflict

Inpersonal Conflict

In this reflective paper of interpersonal relationship, I will focus integrating several topics that includes strategies for managing interpersonal conflicts, comprehend how emotions, perceptions, and nonverbal has an effect of interpersonal relationships. Last, comprehending the impact of interpersonal communications of gender and culture, each topic demonstrated into several different future scenarios.

Conflict and Interaction
The Potential of conflict Interaction
It can be often said that conflict can be beneficial. There are counselors, trainers, authors and consultants, of conflict textbooks that point towards important issues of conflict that have a positive function that are aired. These people try to find ways to produce new and creative ideas; these kinds of ideas are to help the release of build-up tension; in turn will bond relationships, and help all groups and organizations to reevaluate mission statements and the goals by being clarified, and it could stimulate the social change in eliminating injustice and inequities. “Everyone has been in conflicts and almost everyone would readily acknowledge at least some benefits” (Stewart, 2006).
In this scenario, conflict is unfolded from a woman’s hotline which a crisis center for women who have been raped and domestically abused in their family. The center has seven workers, all women that form a cohesive unit and make decisions of importance as a group; there are no formal supervisors. The women’s hotline begins as voluntary organization and has grown by receiving funds from local and federal governments. The group remained a proud organization because of its roots in a democratic, feminist tradition. At the hotline the atmosphere is rather informal. Staff members see each other more than friends, but there understanding as implicated that people do not have to take responsibility for each other’s cases. It can be seen the hotline work was draining and taken a toll on the workers...

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