Heather Neper
ED 205
Assure Lesson Plan
December 2, 2007
Assure Lesson Plan
Mathematics and Technology
I. Analyze Learners
Grade Level: 6-8 (Middle School): This lesson plan is for traditional students who attend a mathematics class everyday. These students come from middleclass families and a majority of students have internet access at home. The students are well versed in math and also have working knowledge of a graphing calculator and various computer programs.
II. State Benchmarks and Standards
This project coincides with several standards listed by the Michigan Curriculum Framework Standards.
II. Geometry and Measurements
Content Standard 3: Students compare attributes of two objects, or of one object with a standard (unit), and analyze situations to determine what measurement(s) should be made and to what level of precision. (Measurement)
Middle School 6: Apply measurement to describe the real world and to solve problems.
VI. Probability and Discrete Mathematics
Content Standard 2: Solving problems involving networks, for example, planning delivery routes or counting paths between points.
This project also coincides with a couple of standards listed by the Educational Technology Standards & Expectations.
Technology Research Tools
1. Use a variety of Web search engines to locate information.
Technology Problem Solving and Descision-Making Tools
1. Use database or spreadsheet information to make predictions to assist with solving a basic problem.
2. Describe the information and communication technology tools to use for collecting information from different sources, analyze findings, and draw conclusions for addressing real-world problems.
General Goal(s):
This lesson is designed for students to use their knowledge of internet searching through the use of search engines, utilizing calculators and the basic knowledge of math concepts.
III. Select Instructional methods, media, and materials
Basic Materials: Pen or...