Audition Side #1
Lewis- any predictions on the storm track?
Johanssen-this is the edge of it (looks at computer screen and is a little shocked). It’s going to get worse before it gets better
Lewis-All right. Prep for abort. Well go to the MAV and hope for the best. If the wind gets too high, we’ll launch
Lewis- Visibility is almost zero. If you get lost, home in on my suits telemetry. The winds going to be rougher away from the Hab, so be ready.
(Crew walks around mars, just a little ways from the MAV)
Watney- Hey, Maybe we could shore up the MAV. Make tipping less likely.
Lewis- How?
Watney- We could use cables from the solar farm as guy lines. (Catches breath and huffs) The rovers could be anchors. The first trick would be getting the line around… (Hit by massive debris)
Johanssen-(looks in the distance terrified and swiftly) Watney!
Lewis- What happened?
Johanssen- Something hit him!!
Lewis- Watney, report (looks frightened and looks away from the crew). Watney, report
Johanssen- He’s offline. I don’t know where he is!
Beck- Commander- before we lost telemetry, his decompression alarm went off!
Lewis- Sh*t. Johanssen, where did you last see him?
Johanssen- He was right in front of me and then he was gone; he flew off due west.
Lewis-(shakes her head and takes a minute to think) Okay. Martinez, get to the MAV and prep for launch. Everyone else, home in on Johanssen
Vogel- Dr. Beck. How long can a person survive decompression?
Beck-(looks down and then up in an emotional state) One minute
Johanssen- I can’t see anything
Lewis- Line up and walk west. Small steps. He’s probably prone; we don’t want to step over him
Martinez- Commander, The MAV`s got a seven degree tilt. It’ll tip at 12.3
Lewis- Copy that
Beck- Johanssen, Watney`s bio-monitor sent something before going off line. My computer just says, “Bad packet”
Johanssen- I have it too. It didn’t finish transmitting. Some data’s missing, and there’s no checksum. Gimme a sec....