Ought Prostitution Be Legalized?

Ought Prostitution Be Legalized?

Ought Prostitution be Legalized
Ought prostitution to be legalized is a controversial topic throughout history, and the debate has continues today. People have different views toward prostitution; from necessity to immoral, and concern of its consequences. Prostitution is an international matter. It sustains throughout history, and in every country; in country where it is legalized or illegal. Social norms are changing. We have come a long way from ‘sex’ is not mentioned by parents, and no sex before marriage. If prostitution is not legalized, there will be no reason and impossible to have further discussion on this matter. Prostitution will stay illegal, period. Therefore, it is time to acknowledge the existence of prostitution. By legalizing prostitution, it will allow us to make laws and enforce it. Legalizing prostitution is not because moral values are diminishing in our society. It shall be legalized because it is necessary in order to seek solutions for the problems.
Two of the strongest opponent voices come from the religious and feminist perspectives. The religious view of prostitution is immoral because it is exchange money for sex, and sex is morally permissible only if it is engaged in a marital relationship or the purpose of reproduction. Based on St. Augustine’s idea, Belliotti wrote, “women are equal children seeking eternal salvation; but as women qua women, they constitute one of the chief worldly temptations standing in the path of man’s spiritual purity” (Belliotti 32). Is prostitution really harmful to one’s spiritual purity? If there is no prostitution, does it guarantee more men to be spiritual? Will one who feels prostitution is immoral, but because it is available, he or she might be seduced in commercial sex? For all of the above questions, my answers are ‘NO’. By saying prostitution is immoral therefore it should not be legalized has put aside that sex is a human need, and the matters occur from prostitution.

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