shooting film

shooting film

Scene 1: In the park.
Sofia and her friends promise that they will be friends forever.
Scene 2: (At the party in the house), while Julia’s friends are making surprise for her by a cake. Nobody notices Yhok’s spirit who is looking them on the second floor.
Yhok: Julia, are you shy to be my girlfriend?
Julia: Not at all, I have never thought like that.
Yhok: I’m thankful that you have never left me.
Julia: I will stay by your side everywhere, even though you are short! Not handsome. Then, Yhok’s spirit says with himself: Julia, I want you to stay with me.
Afterwards, while the others are enjoyed with the cake, Yhok possesses Sofia’s body.
Sofia: Julia, please follow me to the toilet, our friends have some special gift for you.
Scene 3: A few minutes later, Sofia arrives the toilet (Nobody there, accept them)
Julia: Sofia, where is my gift? (Asks with excited face)
Sofia: On the sink (while Julia is finding the gift, Sofia kills her by pressing her head into the sink).
Sofia: Died? Huh
Julia (breaths hardly): Not yet…
Sofia: Died?
Julia: Yes, died.
Scene 4: (A few months later, the school creates study tour to cheer up their students). Have the camping on the yard.
Pug: Don’t go any way without my permission. (At that time, Julia’s spirit is behind them)
Natalia: I feel very sad that we don’t have Julia in our group. (Says with soft voice and makes sad face)
Lydia: I miss her, too. If she comes with us it would be better. (Supports Natalia’s idea)
Media: Hey! Stop calling her name. (Says angrily)
Natalia: I have an idea to meet a Fortuneteller.
Sofia: I agree.
Scene 5: In the camp.
Natalia: Hurry up! I want to take photos.
Lydia: I love it, too. (Says with happy face)
Sofia: I want to rest. (Says with tired face)
Malia: Let’s go, we need to take photo with you! (Makes a command)
Sinvia: Then, we would go to meet a Fortuneteller.
Media: Where is that Fortuneteller?
Natalia: I know his address, follow me! (Says with trouble)

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