Spiritual Science

Spiritual Science

  • Submitted By: Sarven
  • Date Submitted: 10/15/2013 3:09 AM
  • Category: Religion
  • Words: 1018
  • Page: 5
  • Views: 74

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Home > Spiritual Practice > What is the difference between prayer with expectations and without expectations?

What is the difference between prayer with expectations and without expectations?

1. Prayer with worldly expectation

2. Prayer without worldly expectation (for spiritual growth)

3. Comparison between the two types of prayer

4. How prayers change as a seeker grows spiritually

5. In summary

There are two types of prayer depending on the intention behind the prayer.

1. Prayer with worldly expectation

This is the commonest variety of prayer. This type of prayer is said with the expectation of fulfilment of some worldly requirement. The prayer may or may not be accompanied by any other spiritual practice.

Some of the prayers with worldly expectation would include prayers about:

Gross material requirements like job, partner, child, etc.

Subtle material requirement like recovery from illness, happiness, etc.

Prayers that are said with expectation of some worldly benefit are generally said by people in the initial stages of their spiritual journey. Even those whose prayers about some worldly benefit are regularly answered, are generally in the initial stages of their spiritual journey. The reason is because people in later stages of spiritual growth make prayers only for their spiritual growth as explained in the next section.

When we pray for the worldly benefit of ourselves or others, the...

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