Unit 304

Unit 304

  • Submitted By: hilarz
  • Date Submitted: 01/30/2014 11:58 AM
  • Category: Miscellaneous
  • Words: 788
  • Page: 4
  • Views: 109

Unit 304
Duty of care means acting in the best interest of the service user. aims of the organisation, rules and regulations, responsibility,care/dignity, keep safe from harm.Aii
The effects are,knowing your own area of competence and skills level, be aware of your own responsibilities policies risk assessments safety, working in awareness, balancing rights and responsibility code of practice .Aii
'Duty of care' is the responsibility or the legal obligation of a person or organization to avoid acts or omissions (which can be reasonably foreseen) to be likely to cause harm to others.A care organisation has a duty of care towards staff, service users and anyone else on its premises. Aiv
Duty of care is essentially safeguarding the person from abuse and any harm by challenging risky behaviour and preventing and reporting concerns or abuse.
Sometimes individuals may want to do something which could be a risk to their Health and safety. As a carer you have a duty of care to that person and you must do all that you can to keep them safe but you also have a duty to respect the individuals rights and choice, so you have a dilemma. It could be that the individual no longer wishes to use her walking frame, but her care plan states that she needs it to move from place to place and you are to ensure you encourage it’s use. In this scenario you could carry out a risk assessment to ensure that it is managed as safely as possible. You would need to explain the risks involved to the individual and make sure they understand. You could come to a compromise, to use a stick for a while instead, to see how they managed, then monitor the situation. All this should be documented including any risk assessment carried out. If the individual still insists on walking unaided you should get them to sign to say they are aware of the risks involved. Another scenario could be that an individual refuses their medication. Remind them of why they take the medication and it’s...

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