Values & Planning in Health & Social Care

Values & Planning in Health & Social Care


To work effectively in the health and social care sector it is imperative to have a good understanding of the values and principles that underpin the practice of it. These are supported by legislation, policies and procedures which are in place and have to be implemented and adhered to in the working environment to provide and promote a positive working practice. These are often updated to give the service user the best level of care possible and removing potential threats.
The care value base is a set of rules and guidelines that every care practitioner has to follow in order to provide services to their clients and is another name given to principles and values. The care value base also helps the service users promote their rights by outlining what they can anticipate from health care services in general.

Principles and values include recognising and acknowledging the following points:

• Empowerment of individuals
• Promotion of choice
• Promotion of rights (to dignity and privacy, safety and security)
• Recognition of preferences
• Involvement of individuals in planning their support
• Anti-discriminatory practice
• Maintaining confidentiality.
• Respect for diversity, including individual identity, cultural beliefs, moral beliefs and values

All care work is about improving an individual’s quality of life by taking a holistic approach to providing care. The holistic approach is person centred and looks at every service user and their set of problems uniquely. This means that all of a person’s needs (physical, intellectual, emotional, social, cultural and spiritual) are assessed and taken into account. The service user sits at the centre of the entire care planning process and their perceived needs must be listened to and encompassed throughout for it to be as effective as possible. Opportunities are then provided for these needs to be met dependant on funding and available...

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