Free Essays on Why Do We Crave Horror Movies

  1. Craving Horror

    The first horror movie I ever saw was The Exorcist. I was nineteen years old when I watched this movie, while over at my friends’ house. This movie was the most terrifying experience of my life. It left me fearful of Ouija boards. I spent many nights awake wondering whilst in my bed, what was going...

  2. Horror Movies have a dirty job - Short Essay

    Horror Movies have a dirty job” Some people daydream and have deep dark secrets. There may be a time when you dream about getting even with someone or something. Horror movies do have a “dirty job to do”. The more thrilling and exciting the more it grabs your attention. I believe horror movies...

  3. Different Type of Movies

    Why People Like Different Types of Movies? Why do people like different types of movies? Everyone has a different preference on what kind of movie is the best. Сomedy, romance, and horror are different types of movies. The kind of movie can give information to what kind of person they are...

  4. unknown

    The Appeals of Horror Movies Horror films are a big genre in the film industry and become the most popular types of movies, especially among young people. By presenting horrifying images, horror movies have always been told about ghosts, zombies, vampires, werewolves, vicious animals, and cannibals...

  5. Stereotypes on Hollywood Movies

    To be cool you have to go out and spend all your money on new clothes. Most hollywood movies just put a bunch of steriotypes on a screen. It is believed that Hollywood affects a lot of things people do, think and say. I will be looking at whether Hollywood affects the world in a positive or negative...

  6. Violence in Horror Stories or Movies

    VIOLENCE IN HORROR STORIES OR MOVIES Violence in entertainment today: One of the most serious social problem in my mind is the violence in entertainment today. It is affecting society as evidenced by the content of the material, the increase rate of violence, and the reluctance to deny access....

  7. Is Society Becoming Less Violent Analysis

    The reason is because I do see that there is way more violence than before. However, I think that I didn't noticed violence before because I was younger and wasn't old enough to understand. I don't know if the world is becoming more violent or i'm just becoming more aware. I do notice that there are more...

  8. Lessons I'Ve Learned from Horror Movies

    Lessons I've Learned from Horror Movies I am a movie buff and love pretty much any genre. However my favorite would be horror movies. Now I admit in order to watch most of them it has to be the middle of the afternoon, all my doors and windows have to be locked, and all the lights in the house have...

  9. the horror Genre

    Contemporary Research Vol. 2 No. 4; April 2012 The Genre of Horror Mgr. Viktória Prohászková Department of Massmedia Communication University of Ss. Cyrill and Method Trnava Abstract The study deals with the genre of horror, outlining it and describing the dominant features and typological ...

  10. The Horrors Accompanying War

    All Quiet on the Western Front People go to war for many valid reasons, but many ultimately join because they are ignorant to the horrors that accompany war. All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque clarifies that people are immensely patriotic so they feel the need to contribute...

  11. How Does Wilfred Owen Use Poetic Techniques to Convey the Horror of War

    Wilfred Owen uses a range of poetic techniques to convey the horror of war. The detail in Owen's poetry puts forward his scenes horrifically and memorably. His poems are saturated with the horrors of battle. Many of Owen's poems bring across disturbing themes and images, which stay in the mind long after...

  12. Transitional Horror

    April 1st 2008 Transitional Horror When you think of horror films today, what do you associate them with? Most people in the neo horror age are quick to answer with a single word and think nothing of it, this word is gore. To any cultured person, this is a noticeable transition from what...

  13. We Are Fighting Battles Within Ourselves

    We are all fighting battles within ourselves. In each of us I believe that we struggle with a certain aspect that creates a certain like barrier, which separates us from those around us. Whether it is something physical or a mental struggle, we are all fighting battles within ourselves. These may be...

  14. What Types of Fiction Do You Enjoy Reading and Why?

    What types of fiction do you enjoy reading and why?   The reading of fiction is escapism, but not in any bad sense. To read is more positive than to watch television, because the visual nature of TV limits the imagination. Reading also excels radio listening, partly because the listener has no choice...

  15. First Horror Movie

    THE FIRST HORROR MOVIE I EVER WATCH Phyllis Huffines January 22, 2011 Instructor Geter The first horror movie I ever watched was The Howling. I was only five at the time, and...

  16. Television, Radio, and the Movies

    and the Movies are something we all as Americans participate in. However, is the way the media stereotypes a certain race really the belief that influences society today? In the following paragraphs I plan to examine the history of African-Americans in the media and some of the many stereotypes we see in...

  17. Emotional Experience Through Horror Films

    Chris Wiley 11 November 2010 Emotional Experience through the Art of Horror After watching a particularly scary horror film, one might say that they had an emotional experience; most likely one characterized by fear. Some would say that this experience of fear is not a “real” emotion...

  18. Response to Horror in Three Dimensions: House of Wax and Creature from the Black Lagoon, Kevin Heffernan

    Response To Horror in Three Dimensions: House of Wax and Creature from the Black Lagoon, Kevin Heffernan Sari Combier-Kapel Those who have explored an exhibit of wax sculptures in the image of man and woman can most certainly disclose how lifelike these shapes can seem. It might be possible that...

  19. Do Violent Video Games Promote Real Life Violence?

    Do Violent Video Games Promote Real Life Violence? Some people blame movies for promoting violence, other people blame music and there are those people that blame video games. Video games have been around since the 1970’s. They were first presented as a commercial entertainment in Japan. Then they...

  20. My Top Three Movies

    usually go blank. There are so many great movies out there. There are different genres for different kinds of people. Some people prefer comedy and horror, and some people prefer drama and action. Me personally I like action, thriller, and sci-fi. My three favorite movies would have to be The Crow, Natural...

  21. Glorification of Violence?

    sex and nudity is taboo. Watch any movie, TV show, or news channel, and there will be some form of violence. But sex and nudity? Rare, if even there. Why is it that our country is so obsessed with gore and death, but shies away from a natural part of life? Take "CSI" for example. It's one of the top shows...

  22. Are Disney Movies Racist/Sexist? I Think Not.

    discussed how these certain Disney movies are racist, sexist, or historically inaccurate. It claimed that it corrupts the minds of young children who watch them. Now before I begin, I will say this: yes, racist stereotypes have existed in Disney, but not in movies of the modern 90's generation that the...

  23. The Movies

    The Movies By John Bennett The birth and production of the commercial full-length movie, beginning in the very beginning of the 20th century (The Story of the Kelly Gang (1906, Australia), with a running time of between 60-70 minutes)([1]), up until today has changed dramatically. Before the advent...

  24. How Mobile technology adopts to us or is it us who adopt to technology? What else can we expect from it

    How Mobile technology adopts to us or is it us who adopt to technology? What else can we expect from it In 2015 according to “The World Bank” more than 75% of the world’s population have access to a mobile phone (7 billion people). The Second World War made military use...

  25. Rogerian: Desensitization and the Media

    sensitizing agent.” Through the internet, television, videogames, movies, and even music, we see and hear material that can desensitize us to violence and even make us think that these acts are okay. There are age restrictions for these violent movies and television shows, but many kids still have access to them...

  26. Why Violence in Philadelphia Is Bad

    Why Why does drug violence in Philadelphia contribute to many deaths? Territorial disputes of drug trafficking is one of the reasons that people die, drug dealers kill other dealers because for being in the wrong territory and making sales on other dealers turfs, Some of drug dealers...

  27. Do Violent Video Games Make Violent People

    wrong. An issue with this argument with this is that if it were true and games turned us into bloodthirsty, drugged up, psychopathic murderers wouldn't we all be like that? the game "Grand Theft Auto V" recently came out and it sold 29 million copies, so hypotheticlly there are now 29 more murderers that...

  28. Why Mccain Should Not Be President

    just "hating" on McCain. However, if you take a moment to zoom out you start to realize there are certain patterns that emerge, and in those patterns we some essential, substantive reasons that John McCain should never be President. These aren’t just policy reasons, they’re fundamental to the character...

  29. Psycho Paper

    also titled Psycho that was published in 1959. With a few adaptions, Hitchcock was able to make a film that uncomfortably presented its audience with horror film circled around the main character’s mental illness. In an article written by Peter Breslow, he analyzes the character of Norman Bates and his...

  30. "Inception" Movie Critique

    people like comedies, romance, or even the occasional horror film. Always having an adventurous mind has brought me to watching some of the latest science fiction mystery films. Two recent movies that fit the genre are arguably the two best movies made in the last few years. Inception (2010) is a movie...

  31. What problems do teenagers with Asperger’s syndrome face to achieve success in school and how can they be helped?

    What problems do teenagers with Asperger’s syndrome face to achieve success in school and how can they be helped? Introduction In a culture where being social and outgoing are prized above all else, it can be difficult, even shameful, to be different. For example if you have Asperger’s. But Asperger’s...

  32. Why We Were Called Rioters

    Why We Were Called Rioters Twenty eight years ago, when I was two years old, many people died in my home town and nobody knew what happened there. President Park Chung-Hee, who was a dictator ruling for eighteen years, was assassinated on October 26, 1978. After that, army general Chun Doo-Hwan...

  33. MLA Format

    centered on the title page, include your name and the name of the university you attend. Do not include extra information, like the date or course number, unless instructed by your task directions. If you do not need an abstract, the body of your paper will begin on page two. If you need an abstract...

  34. unit 6 assignment 3 do you like pina colda

    outgoing and likes to have fun, romantic candle light diners, movies and long walks and talks, if they are that outgoing how come they don’t already have or involved in a relationship instead of looking for one online? I never could understand why anyone has to put an ad in the paper or online to meet someone...

  35. Film Critique

    Movies such as Casablanca are still enjoyed today because they have with stood the analysis of then and now. In every classroom across the country, students begin the movie analysis process through stories like The Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, and Romeo and Juliet. The movies teach what to analyze in...

  36. Introduction to Film. Analyzing Films

    Reflective Paper Before taking this class, one could wonder what The Art of Watching Films (2008), would have to do with being an English class. Although it may not be really clear as to why this is considered to be an English class, it is however very clear that a student will defiantly learn a lot about...

  37. The Importance of Fantasy in The Cat in the Hat

    finding ways to entertain themselves ans have fun like most children would have done if left at home under their own devise. Thus this would be the reason why the children are driven to come up with a make-believe cat in order to take their mind off their current situation. The reason is that children are...

  38. A Look at the Dark Side

    have read, or heard, has had a villain. Whether the villain was another human, monster or demi-god, they were there to destroy the hero. When we were young we were taught about good/right and evil/wrong, evil must exist to comprehend the good. This is the case of mythology. For everything in the world...

  39. ‘the Day of the Triffids’ Is, Essentially, a Story of Hope.

    is a story of hope, but will also argue for other interpretations: love (discussing the love Bill and Josella and their growth of relationship) and horror (the suicides, deaths, Triffids, etc.). Hope is vital for the characters in the story, because without hope they are incapable of seeing the future...

  40. Human Trafficking - Essay 2

    Allan I cannot speak from experience, and that is something I can only be thankful for. I cannot show you, for it is not in my power to do so. All I can do is speak in behalf of those incapable of speaking for themselves. They behold the true memories, the scars and the bruises, the beaten and abused...

  41. Movies and Commentary

    Movies and Commentary Top Ten List 1. There Will Be Blood (2007) Paul Thomas Anderson’s 2007 Masterpiece, There Will Be Blood, was nothing short of a perfect movie. With groundbreaking direction from Anderson and Oscar-winning camera work, the movie is a complete masterpiece that will...

  42. Politics of Narrative

    The Politics of Narrative: Why I Am A Poet   by Lynn Emanuel Jill's a good kid who's had some tough luck. But that's another story. It's a day when the smell of fish from Tib's hash house is so strong you could build a garage on it. We are sit- ting in Izzy's where Carl has just...

  43. Homosexual Treatment in America

    right state of mind when they think about having a sexual relationship with someone of the same sex. If America legalizes gay marriage then society as we know it will be over. America has always rejected unnatural things. The American public has never accepted air conditioning, electronic banking, electricity...

  44. The Effects of Hurricane Katrina

    Dear Mr. Leonard Pitts, I will forever remember the Hurricane Katrina effects. Watching the news on the TV was like watching horror movies. I couldn’t believe what my eyes were witnessing. Coming from another country, I always believe the USA was the strongest and most humanitarian country in the...

  45. english paper

    Hartman Wendling Ben DeSantis Fall Exam 12/20/2013 Edgar Allan Poe: 1 Two elements of horror that Poe uses in his stories are helplessness and release. A story that is Poe wrote that is mainly based off of the element of helplessness is The Cask of Amontillado. In this story, the victim is chained...

  46. Bullying. Why Do People Bully?

    According to Bullying Statistics, bullying is the most common type of violence in the United States society (Why Do People Bully). In a survey done by The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, samples of 15,000 students from the grades 6 through 10 were surveyed about bullying. ...

  47. The Creation of Destruction

    Throughout history, horror stories have played off of the fears that pertain to the time period that they were written in. When feudal peasants relied on crops and livestock for survival, the scariest thing imaginable was a werewolf that could endanger both resources. When the anonymity of city living...

  48. Feature Article: Marilyn Manson

    option…” Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were known as big fans of Marilyn Manson and his music. The survivors of this horror told reporters that their obsession with Marilyn Manson led to this moment where they “got their guns” and “just...

  49. jsnaja

    wrong. Blackface. We’ve been here before and we’re here now. And it’s a damn shame. We’ve already told you 20 reasons (though we can probably pull up 100 more) of why you shouldn’t dress in blackface this Halloween season (or any time of the year). But that didn’t sink in. In fact, decades of...


    HUM 150 Week 3 DQ 3 HUM 150 Week 3 DQ 4 HUM 150 Week 3 DQ 5 HUM 150 Week 3 Summary HUM 150 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Film Matrix Comedy and Horror Presentation HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 1 HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 2 HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 3 HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 4 HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 5 HUM 150 Week 4 Summary HUM...


    HUM 150 Week 3 DQ 3 HUM 150 Week 3 DQ 4 HUM 150 Week 3 DQ 5 HUM 150 Week 3 Summary HUM 150 Week 3 Learning Team Assignment Film Matrix Comedy and Horror Presentation HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 1 HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 2 HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 3 HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 4 HUM 150 Week 4 DQ 5 HUM 150 Week 4 Summary HUM...

  52. Lit Paper

    Witch (Outline) INTRO- Horror movies seem to bring fears of the human mind to life, some are just because of the special effects or because of the suspense, however The Blair Witch Project seemed to bring a new appeal that left a legend to forever change the appeals of horror. The Blair Witch Project...

  53. English Horror Story "The Knocking"

    The knocking… Horror Story One day, a massacre occurred at 6 Lauren St. The massacre happened in a house located in East Texas, a place that is known for it’s low popularity, and it’s unnatural episodes. Rumours were spread all over the entire city, one telling that children was brutally murdered...

  54. The Pianist

    Szpilman had a force inside of him that kept him going. The Pianist follows Szpilman’s journey, showing his love for the music pulling him through the horror of times. And it was this love that kept him going for the near half decade he spent living hell. - 2 - Through a Window Back to Poland, 1939:...

  55. Life's Greatest prize

    However when the two were in love they did not act like their usual self. Through evidence, we can concur that love makes people act in a way they would not normally act. There are numerous texts, movies and information that support the strong argument that lovers act differently: Helen Fisher’s TED...

  56. The Godfather -- the Movies vs the Book

    that the sociopaths in The Sopranos only pay lip service to while acting on their worst narcissistic impulses. In this speech, Michael explains to Kay why the Corleones aren't morally culpable for acting outside the law: “You’ve got the wrong idea of my father and the Corleone family. l’ll make a final...

  57. Language and Culture: the Undercover Blues

    everybody in this world loves to watch movies. Be it horror, romance, comedy, thriller, action, or drama, we all watch movie because it is a very good way to pastime. When most people watch movies, they only look for fun. People do not use what they see in movies to affect their lives unless you are a...

  58. Stuff

    able to make them just as beautiful so they will spend money on the product believing that it may help them with whatever they believe the product will do. Physical beauty and advertising call the attention of people who yearn for the looks of a beautiful or handsome man buy doing this both parties, the...

  59. Why do People Exercise?

    Why do People Exercise? What comes to our minds when the word, exercising mentioned? A number of people would say exercising requires willpower. Several people are not attracted in most exercising activities since they involve pain, tiredness, and commitment. Nevertheless, various do not realize the...

  60. Anime

    meaning animation. In America Anime is use specifically for Japanese animation so there is a difference. In America we have animation, which is our normal cartoons and animated movies, and there is Anime, which are the Japanese “cartoons” they are not actually cartoons for even though they seem like...