Culinary Blog Entry

Culinary Blog Entry

This six weeks my independent study will be based around on Culinary Arts. It will be focues on the science aspect of culinary. I’ve chosen this because I’ve always taken an interest in food and also making things for people with my hands. I’m not good at arts and crafts, so I’ve resorted to food. I plan on doing this with my career: therefore, i want to try and learn about this subject as much as I can before going to college. The science side will just be a little twist to keep me awake. Last year I saw a ted talk where this group of restaurant owners they incorporated science in their menus. An interesting example would be, they transformed a piece of watermelon to look and act like a piece of meat. It may sound unappetizing, but just imagining all the doors this kind of science could open is why i find this so intriguing. I plan to learn a few of these methods and try at least one. I won’t just be focusing on science,: I also plan to learn some regular recipes. I’m gonna let this project guide me and try to find the most interesting articles that jump out at me. While learning these things the goal is to broaden my perspective on food and also the restaurant business and also to become more excited about my future career. I was originally planning on saving this subject matter for the last six week, but I was too eager.

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