In Love with the Internet

In Love with the Internet

I am more or less in love with the internet.Probably more.OkCupid & Craigslist personals are amazing, fascinating places to me.The ability to find another human being within a specified age range, location and key-word, is a stupendous work of art.Some of my favorite friends, these days, are people I’ve met online.Open up and find someone who’s really right up your alley.The internet is such an efficient way to do it.(Photo is of one of my very favorite Internet friends. I went to visit him in Heidelberg, and had one of the most colorful weekends of my life. He’s one of my closest friends now.)
I met my friend from Amsterdam two weeks ago. We’ve been talking online for four years, so he’s a pretty good friend. And it wasn’t weird meeting him at all – it seemed completely natural.
He was staying in London, so I went over there, and ended up sleeping on the floor in his hostel. After two days we spent together, we thought it might be another year before we met again. I was having some problems a few days later, and went over there to spend another night, ending up taking him to the airport.
Exactly a week after meeting him, I flew out to Holland, and spent a whole week in his house. I think any more time than that would have driven us crazy.
I’d love to meet my other online friends soon, now.

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