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h1Food Intake-3 Days/h1
h4by obharris2012
Food Intake ndash 3 Days br /
span classtab/spanA term that is used to encompass nutrient recommendations produced by the National Academy of Sciences and the Food and Nutrition Board is called Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI). DRI is also a common term for a guideline of reference values used to assess and plan a healthy individualrsquos nutrient intake (Wardlaw et. al., 2011, p. 60-61). During a consecutive three-day period, protein intakes, carbohydrate intakes, lipid intakes, macronutrient intake ranges, fiber intake ranges, and dietary modifications are recorded and analyzed in iProfile. Recorded Protein, Carbohydrate, and Lipid Intakesbr /
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Protein, Carbohydrate, amp Lipid Foodsbr /
span classtab/spanIn my recorded daily intake, the foods consumed that provided the proteins consisted of the baked fish fillets, hard boiled eggs, turkey bacon, and oven-baked chicken. The foods that provided the carbohydrates consisted of strawberry yogurt, honeydew melons, strawberries, wa-termelon, blueberries, salad blend with iceberg and romaine lettuce, raspberry vinaigrette dress-ing, Country Time lemonade, air-popped popcorn, Nature Valley blueberry granola bar, Tropicana Pure Premium 100 orange juice, Pasta Fagiolo soup, diet Italian salad dressing, Nestea raspberry iced tea, plain bread sticks, Welchrsquos 100 pomegranate blueberry juice,...