

With the presidential election nearing, one has to ask a controversial question. Did McCain make the right decision in choosing Sarah Palin as a running mate? There are many positive, as well as negative, aspects to Palin’s political career. While she is an impressive political performer, she also seems to lack the proper experience that would be necessary for the prospective position of Vice-President.
Palin has made substantial changes for the better in her early political career. She started her life in politics by serving two terms on the Wasilla City Council in Alaska. In 1996, she was elected as mayor of Wasilla and served two terms, ending her position in 2002. During her reign as mayor of Wasilla, Palin was praised for cutting property taxes by 40%, improving roads and sewers, and strengthening the police department. From 2003 to 2004, she chaired the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission while also serving as Ethics Supervisor of the commission. In November of 2006, Palin became the first female Governor of Alaska. On August 29, 2008, Senator John McCain announced that he had chosen Palin as his running mate for the 2008 Presidential Election. Palin is a dazzling political performer and has experienced more typical American life than either McCain or his opponent. One example is the fact that she now has a pregnant daughter. The media went into a feeding frenzy when this information surfaced, trying to use this against Palin’s political career. They accused her of not being able to control her teenage daughter and questioned her ability to make difficult decisions that could impact the entire world. Palin simply responded with, “As Bristol [her daughter] faces the responsibilities of adulthood, she knows she has our unconditional love and support.” Instead of making an enormous deal over the fact that the press exploited her daughter, she handled it with just a single statement, which shows how mature she can be in such a...

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