recruiting is marketing paper

recruiting is marketing paper

Recruiting is Marketing

First we want to understand what marketing and recruiting is. Marketing is what a business does to promote their product to customers and get the buyer to understand the value, and making profit off of it. Recruiting is when you enlist a person to a business or company that you suspect will make your company or business money. To distinguish how we tie those both together is when you are looking for a potential employee it’s very important that they fit your standards. It’s not common to find qualified workers in a lot of different fields, and because it’s not common to challenging to build a strong organization. People that you recruit are the people who will make your company. Marketing and recruiting share common vision for business, and they have similar responsibilities. You market with customer and recruit candidates good for the job.
To understand the recruiting is marketing concept one must understand each word individually. To recruit is to add a new member of a group, organization, or the like (Dictionary) This word is easily compared to too hire. When starting an interview or being the interviewee one must think are they the best for this company. One could have the best resume but still not fit in with the job. First impressions make a total difference. What you wear, what you say, and how you say it. At certain businesses there is an overall concept of the place and what is seen by others.
Being taught how to give a hand shake the right way, how strong or weak it may be, can show the interviewer your confidence level. Recruiting in some cases can be someone being picked from a bunch to do an interview to get a job as well. Like with the NFL Draft, coaches picking the best people to add to their team to make it better than everyone else that is much like the recruitment process. Taking the time and effort to hand pick specific people that they think will better there team. By picking those certain people it leads into...

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