unit 13 btec

unit 13 btec

M1 compare the purposes
of the different documents
used in the selection and
recruitment process of
a given organisation
In recruitment and selection McDonalds uses job description on the website for certain roles available in stores nearby. They then give you an online application form to fill in your details and provide your CV and Cover letter.
The job description is used to inform the candidate of the role played, shifts (part-time/full-time), wage, uniform, skills required, experience needed, certificates required.
The CV is your paper for life showing all references, experience, skills, certificates/achievements and introduction about the person which can include hobbies. There would also be contact details available.
The cover letter is a supplementary form with added description of how and why you can be a success for the organisation. You will benefit more if you do apply this as they would assume you are hard-working by putting in the effort for producing and uploading the cover letter.
Difference between the documents used for the candidate is
Differences between the documents used for the employees is
McDonalds online vacancies are used because its more quicker and cost-effective
Transcript of Recruitment and Selection merit criteria
M1/D1 criteria Recruitment and Selection Unit 13 M1/D1 criteria My suggestion would be.... Compare the purposes of the different documents used in the selection and recruitment process of a given organisation. Job description Rate the documents you use i.e. 8/10. Consider how useful they were to your exercise.

Based on all documents used within the recruitment and selection process. Can you name them all? What is this and why is it useful? Person Spec App
form Shortlisting
Grid Job
Advert Interview
Questions Compare the instances where you use them. i.e. on the lead up to the interview, the interview itself or making your selection decisions. Put the information into a table Grade each one...

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