Free Essays on Foucault

  1. Bailey and Foucault

    succeeds in explaining the issue of women robbing men’s masculinity, gender roles / behaviors, and the power of religion / bible weakening. Michel Foucault argues in his book The History of Sexuality, that in general, we study the idea, which he calls the ‘repressive hypothesis’ as a form on history on...

  2. Focault

    To what extent do you agree with Foucault that we live in a ‘disciplinary society’? Foucault’s belief that the social control in disciplinary pervades all elements of life and there is no escape from this type of control. Michel Foucault is not a Freudian, a Marxist, a structuralist, a phenomenologist...

  3. How Socialorder Is Made and Remade

    317) It is safe to say that he focused on the micro-social phenomenon meaning that he studied human interaction at the smallest scale. In contrast Foucault studies the wider picture of human interaction. He studies how discourses shape attitudes and also how discourses can be used to normalise behaviour...

  4. Foucault's Panopticism

    power in that it is conducted in a punitive manner. Foucault describes the use of this power used on the people locked in their houses during the plague and the unfortunate lepers: “If he leaves the street, he will be condemned to death” (Foucault 209), and “the leper was caught up in a practice of rejection...

  5. Mental Health

    theory, social constructivism and social realism. All these perspectives comes from various theorists such as Weber, Durkheim, Freus, Max and Foucault. Foucault published a very influential book ‘Madness and Civilisation’ which outlined how in 15th century Europe, the mad people were sent away in ships...

  6. tma 02

    place, and tends to be restored immediately when it is breached I looked at the main differences and similarities between the two theorists Michel Foucault and Erwing Goffman? If we now compare and contrast Goffman’s and Foucault’s explanations of how social order is made and remade. I looked at Goffman’s...

  7. Modern Society and the Growth of State Surveillance

    share and return on capital invested (Dandeker, 1990:200). Foucault argues that Jeremy Bentham’s Panopticon prison design (1991:200) is paradigmatic of modernity’s newly evolving disciplinary society (Green, 1999:29). As Foucault (1991:219) notes disciplines define compact hierarchical networks...

  8. Theories of Social Construction of Sexuality

    influenced the way people think has undoubtedly been Foucault. In "The History of Sexuality", Foucault attempts to disprove the thesis that Western society has seen a repression of sexuality since the 17th century and that sexuality has been unmentionable. Foucault, states that Western culture has long been fixated...

  9. author

    fact talking about ‘the author’ but ‘the Author’. Michel Foucault’s essay, What is an Author?’(1969), should be read along with Barthes’s essay. Foucault provides an extraordinary sense of the figure of the author as a historical construction. The idea of the author is not timeless: the significance...

  10. Invisible Monsters

    always be grateful to Raymond.” (qtd. in Chuck Palahniuk) Michel Foucault was also a major inspiration to Palahniuk. After writing Invisible Monsters Chuck acknowledged that the novel’s underlying philosophy was actually inspired by Foucault. (Jenkins) In addition to Chuck’s ten novels written since the...


    Perhaps the most important point here however is Foucault’s Postmodernist perspective. Foucault observed that crime is product of certain discourses, or trends in society of what is acceptable and not. Foucault studied history and found that between the 18th and 21st centuries there had been a shift...

  12. Compare and Contrast Butler's and Goffman's Notion of Performance in Terms of Masculinity.

    subject of masculinity. Her book ‘Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity’ (1990) draws on many social theorists, most importantly Foucault. The main thesis of Butler's argument in this book is that the relationship of sex, gender, masculinity and sexuality are all culturally constructed...

  13. Jacques Derrida

    Lévinas, these three books discussed, and/or relied upon, the works of many philosophers and authors, including linguist Saussure,[71] Hegel,[72] Foucault,[73] Bataille,[72] Descartes,[73] anthropologist Lévi-Strauss,[74][75] paleontologist Leroi-Gourhan,[76] psychoanalyst Freud,[77] and writers such...

  14. Texto de Quinta

    toda experiência humana, é produto de um complexo conjunto de processos sociais, culturais e históricos. A concepção moderna de sexualidade, segundo Foucault (1988), designa uma série de fenômenos que englobam tanto os mecanismos biológicos da reprodução como as variantes individuais e sociais do comportamento...

  15. Golf and Sociology

    Expansion of golf courses in the United States. Geo- graphical Review, 98, 24-42 Foucault, M. (1988). Technologies of the self. In L. H. Martin, H. Gutman, & P. H. Hutton(Eds.), Technologies of the self: A seminar with Michel Foucault (pp. 16-49). London:Tavistock Durkheim, Emile. & Mueller, John H. &...

  16. being sexual

    stab’ at a topic that had been little discussed within an existential-phenomenological framework. Its influences were widespread and plentiful. Foucault (1979, 1985 1986), Sartre (1956) and (most significantly) Merleau-Ponty (1962) to be sure, but also Weeks 299 Ernesto Spinelli (1985) and...

  17. Social Control Organizations

    public displays of control to the development of early prisons up to present day with CCTV and computerised systems. The post modernist Michel Foucault wrote his book Discipline and Punish (1977) in which he looks at the development of the prison system from 18th century to modern time. He found...

  18. Elective Plastic Surgery

    and in the outer life. “As Foucault and others have noted, practices of coercion and domination are often camouflaged by practical rhetoric and supporting theory that appear to be benevolent, therapeutic, and voluntaristic.” By referencing a famous theorist, Foucault gains appreciation as well as...

  19. Leadership and Philosophical Positions

    own House. His leadership style was full of innovations on the basis of which he used to take decisions (Geldenhuys and Kotze, 1985). According to Foucault, “when knowledge extends, it reinforces the effects of power” (McNay, 1994, p. 103). Botha was open to information and had networks through which...

  20. The Role of the Reader in Post-Structuralist Approaches

    shouldn’t be in the primary concern, the meaning that the reader gives to the text and his/her interpretations become the main concern just like Michel Foucault has suggested in his essay “What is an Author?” In “Phenomenology of Reading”(1969) ,George Poulet argues that the reading is centred on the reader...

  21. Food for the Soul

    God."  -- Michele Shea "People know what they do; and sometimes they know why they do it. But what they don't know is what they do." -- M. Foucault  You must learn from the mistakes of others. You can't possibly live long enough to make them all yourself.  --Sam Leveneson  ...

  22. Mhmd

    Sexuality Vol. 1, Butler claims that any attempt at censorship, legal or otherwise, necessarily propagates the very language it seeks to forbid.[11] As Foucault argues, for example, the strict sexual mores of 19th century Western Europe did nothing but amplify the discourse of sexuality it sought to control...

  23. the policy

    and Fink, 2009, p.22). This is referred to as the mutual constitution. References: Narrative: The Open University, 2015a) Course companion: Foucault (1969) cited in Lewis and Fink Lewis, G. and Fink, J. (2009) ‘Themes, Terms and Concepts’ in Fink, J., Lewis, G., Carabine, J., Newman, J. and Korner...

  24. Hare-Brained Bugs Bunny Analysis of Rabbit of Seville

    Elmer Fudd does not possess. Bugs Bunny uses his newly gained power over a lost agentless Elmer Fudd to promptly lash him with a straight razor. Foucault describes the soul as the prison of the body because the identity (soul) socially inscribed on the body represses its own style of self, (30) and...

  25. Postcolonial Theory and the Rewriting of History

    is the effect of language and ideas. This axiom of Althusser has helped in the unraveling of certain institutions and ideas. But it was his student Foucault who brought up the question of discourse to the literary theory. On the footsteps of Marx, Engles and Althusser he also said that individual is not...

  26. Effects on Globalization in Culture Differentiation

    Existentialism and, particularly speaking, on the relation of power and Globalization that might be extracted from the work of genius like Michel Foucault and the work on deconstruction and globalization. I will touch these topics in a very sophomore way some pages after, in the section of “Some topics...

  27. Evaluate the Postmodernist Explanation of the Role and Function of Religion in Contemporary Society. (40 Marks)

    Evaluate the postmodernist explanation of the role and function of religion in contemporary society. (40 marks) According to postmodernists such as Foucault we live in a ‘post-modern’ world, where none of the accepted theories or ‘truths’ or ‘narratives’ can be relied on. One really big narrative is that...

  28. Essay Topics

    transform human consciousness/ Relationship between drug-use and art/Analyse style of a particular actor/ Popularity of trashy, pulp magazines???/Foucault and Kesey, or Madness, Civilization, and One Flew over Cuckoo’s Nest. /Journalists in combat—life on edge/Cirque du soleil/Gonzo journalism/Representational...

  29. Some Pitfalls of Doing Qualitative Discourse Analysis

    producing meaning. They constitute the nature of the body, unconscious and conscious mind and emotional life of the subjects they seek to govern’. Foucault paid particular attention to the periodisation of local discourses and how certain knowledges and practices change historically. A good contemporary...

  30. Organizational Analysis

    answers got marks over 70, particularly where, as some people did, there was an effort to link this complex theories of power and control such as Foucault, Burawoy, Barker, Knights and McCabe. It was great to see that a handful of people were able to argue their way through to these theories. These were...

  31. Scholarly Paper- Misery by Stephen King

    they were very problematic. The older view was first challenged by Wimsatt and Beardsley (1954, 1998), who called this the “intentional fallacy”. Foucault developed his ‘Author functions’: classifications, attribution and valuation. These functions were used to discuss the work of the author that I studied...

  32. Private Public Partnership

    international relations theory critiques theories like Marxism that provide an overarching metanarrative to history. Key postmodern thinkers include Lyotard, Foucault and Derrida.[1] ------------------------------------------------- Criticisms[ A criticism made of post-modern approaches to international relations...


    literary criticism that swept over the academic world in the twentieth century and culminated in the postmodern philosophies of Barthes, Derrida, and Foucault. Central to Eliot's approach was his concept of "impersonal poetry" and, closely related, his attitude justifying "tradition" as an integral part...

  34. Cctv Proposal

    Although Bentham never lived long enough to see his model prison ever built it was the basis for many prisons throughout the world. According to Michael Foucault this was a crucial development, as he believed that the principles of Panopticon would seep out of their institutional location to infiltrate non-institutional...

  35. sociology

    tended to reject 'humanist' assumptions in the conduct of social theory.[71] Michel Foucault provides a potent critique in his archaeology of the human sciences, thoughHabermas and Rorty have both argued that Foucault merely replaces one such system of thought with another.[72][73] The dialogue between...

  36. Modern Society

    the nation-state and its constituent institutions (e.g. representative democracy, public education, modern bureaucracy) and forms of surveillance (Foucault 1995, 170–77). Some writers have suggested there is more than one possible modernity, given the unsettled nature of the term and of history itself...

  37. Origins of Hommosexuality

    Jeffrey Weeks wrote, “Social processes construct subjectivities not just as categories but at the level of individual desire.”(Thorp 3) Michel Foucault has also suggested in his theory “that sexual preference may itself be nothing more than a superficial matter of taste and practice” (Thorp 4) Overall...

  38. jkgiug

    Situational crime prevention Chaike – Crime displacement Wilson and Kelling – Broken windows Concepts: Restorative justice, restitutive justice Foucault – Sovereign/Disciplinary power Carrabine et al – Prisons and imprisonment Garland – Mass incarceration and transcarceration Victims of crime ...

  39. post modernism

    tourists, economic migrants, refugees and asylum seekers helps to create globalised culture. Post modernism is based on ideas by a sociologist called Foucault, One of the main assumptions which postmodernists reject is relativism, which claims that there is no such thing as objective, valid knowledge. They...

  40. The Case for Mediation in Primary Care

    suppressed. Sociology of health, an established science, has been consistently relegated to the realm of subjugated knowledge (to borrow a term from Foucault) in this conflict (Navarro and Muntaner 2004b). Laissez-faire ideology: - Tyrannical Non-Directiveness Part of the difficulty is that history...

  41. Transatlantic Encounters

    sa vie. Son expérience quotidienne d’interprète est comparée à une existence fantasmagorique, qui se trouve associée spatialement à ce que Michel Foucault a nommé comme l’hétérotopie: des lieux réels, des lieux effectifs, des lieux qui ont dessiné dans l'institution même de la société, et...

  42. the silence in The Washington Squre and The Yellow Wall PAPER

    Getting mad is an effective way to liberate themselves. For the heroine, being mad is a special form of gaining the freedom, just as the opinion held by Foucault that madness is the knowledge and the result of the wisdom. In fact, madness is close to the truth. However, a careful analysis of the narrator, exploring...

  43. Postcolonial

    World fiction after the Second World War that the fictional uses of ‘nation’ and ‘nationalsim’ are most pronounced. The ’nation’ is precisely what Foucault has called a ‘discursive formation’ † not simply an allegory or imaginative vision, but a gestative political structure which the Third World artist...

  44. bayerish

    sources. How to list sources MONOGRAPHS, NOVELS, VOLUMES OF POETRY, COMPLETE OR SELECTED WORKS OF AN AUTHOR (not compilations or anthologies) etc.: Foucault, Michel. The Birth of the Clinic: An Archaeology of Medical Perception. (Naissance de la clinique: une archéologie du regard medical [1963], transl...

  45. feminist views on pornography

    motherhood. According to the feminist, men construct women's sexuality through the words and images of society, which the French philosopher Foucault referred to as the texts of society. After the construction of such women sexuality, men commercialize it and market it back in the form of porn....

  46. Western Culture

    ­Judith Butler· ­Albert Camus· ­Ernst Cassirer· ­Cornelius Castoriadis· ­Gilles Deleuze· ­Jacques Derrida· ­Johann Fichte· ­Michel Foucault· ­Frankfurt School· ­Hans-Georg Gadamer· ­Antonio Gramsci· ­Jürgen Habermas· ­Georg Hegel· ­Martin Heidegger· ­Edmund Husserl· ­Roman...

  47. Karl Marx on Sociology

    tended to reject 'humanist' assumptions in the conduct of social theory.[104] Michel Foucault provides a potent critique in his Archaeology of the Human Sciences, though Habermas and Rorty have both argued that Foucault merely replaces one such system of thought with another.[105][106] The dialogue between...

  48. The Formation of Post Colonial Theory

    poetry. HTS 63(3) 2007 1188 Lazare S Rukundwa & Andries G van Aarde postcolonial theory, Young discusses the works of Said, Derrida and Foucault. This illustrates that colonialism not only operated as a form of military and economic domination, but also “simultaneously as a discourse of domination”...

  49. Travel and Space Jane Eyre

    bodies (or were substitutedfor the very idea of the body) and that many discourses representedfemale bodies as glaringly visible, material spectacles (Foucault; Poovey,UnevenDevelopment24-50; Bruno58-76; Shuttleworth). Although Jane Eyre begins with that version of female identity, the novel proposes abstractionas...

  50. A Poststructuralist Critique of Neorealist Conceptualizations of the State and Anarchy

    the course of this essay, that language is not merely descriptive, and in the form of discourse, it becomes a system of knowledge, in the words of Foucault, knowledge is power. Thus where we set narrow parameters for our discourse as neorealism has we in-turn restrict our understanding of the world, arguably...


    essential nature (Spinoza & Heidegger). Many have debated and explored the nature of language and how it impacts society and power (Wittgenstein & Foucault). And others have made as their major project the creation of a new man who transforms society, hopefully for the better (Hegel & Marx). Their...

  52. PHL 458 Potential Instructors

    essential nature (Spinoza & Heidegger). Many have debated and explored the nature of language and how it impacts society and power (Wittgenstein & Foucault). And others have made as their major project the creation of a new man who transforms society, hopefully for the better (Hegel & Marx).   Their...

  53. PHL 458 UOP Courses Tutorials/ Uoptutorial

    essential nature (Spinoza & Heidegger). Many have debated and explored the nature of language and how it impacts society and power (Wittgenstein & Foucault). And others have made as their major project the creation of a new man who transforms society, hopefully for the better (Hegel & Marx). Their...

  54. Crime

    creativity – in The Birth of Tragedy he asserted: "The best and brightest that man can acquire he must obtain by crime". In the 20th century Michel Foucault in Discipline and Punish made a study of criminalization as a coercive method of state control. Classification and categorisation Globe icon. ...

  55. Cooking Books

    a “work” in this sense has been hotly contested. See Jameson on the distinction between modern work and postmodern text (1991: 83, 103-5, 157-8), Foucault on the problem of authorship (1977) and, for our context, Daniel Boyarin’s debates with Alter and Sternberg on the status of Jewish religious “literature”...

  56. Constructivism

    originated with the Frankfurt School, it also prevails among other recent social scientists, such as Pierre Bourdieu, Louis Althusser and arguably Michel Foucault and Bryan Reynolds, as well as certain feminist theorists and social scientists. This version of "critical" theory derives from Kant's (18th-Century)...

  57. operations objectives at the penang mutiara

    police performance and how performance measurement constitutes and is constituted by knowledge and power. The work of French philosopher Michel Foucault is used to understand how performance measurement has been a tool by which the sovereignty of government over policing has been established, and...

  58. Sociology

    prisoners ‘do time’ to pay back. Both the capitalist factory and prison have strict disciplinary style, involving subordinates and loss of liberty. Foucault (1977): 2 forms of punishment: Sovereign power (before 19th century) and Disciplinary power (from 19th century). Punishment changed from being...

  59. Family

    diversity contradicts the established discourse often articulated in the media promoting moral panics about the family. French philosopher Michael Foucault wrote about the power of discourses. Discourses construct the way we discuss the social world, consequently discourses construct the way we understand...

  60. Alexander Pushkin and Fictionising History

    the Jamesonian sense. Patricia Yaeger has commented on the curious characterization of space by some postmodern philosophers (such as Baudrillard, Foucault and Lefebvre) through metaphors of "emptiness, vacuity, or amnesia" (Yaeger 9). She wonders whether their pessimistic conception of the postmodern...