Browser for Philosophy Essays

Philosophy is the study of problems such as reality, existence, reason etc. Here you can also find information on famous Philosophers, literature on philosophy and more.

  1. "Religious experiences are clear and evidential proof of a divine existence." Discuss.

    "Religious experiences are clear and evidential proof of a divine existence." Discuss. (35marks) Religious experience can be seen as clear evidence for proof of a divine existence as the religious experious is a metaphysical interaction on a personal level and the individual who is involved

  2. criminal justice

     Punishment Philosophy Dane Richards Liberty University CJUS 320-D04: Corrections Abstract This paper covers punishment philosophy and the influence on corrections. With punishment philosophy and corrections in mind, this paper explores retribution, deterrence,

  3. instant gratification is short lived

    Our dissatisfaction with short-lived pleasure causes our needs to be magnified the next time we seek fulfillment. This can often lead to disastrous and largely unforeseen costs like addiction. There are many examples of this. Overindulging in food, alcohol or drugs, technology such as the

  4. PHI305-Utilitarianism

    Utilitarianism Essay Introduction Donna is a devoted wife and mother, whose main focus in life is taking care of her family. She has been married to the love of her life for ten years, and they have an eight year old daughter. One night, she arrived home after a book club meeting to find

  5. The Verification Principle is something that cannot be verified

    'The verification principle cannot be verified.' Discuss. The verification principle in itself employs the idea of how only things that can be proved are worth talking about. However, how can we prove that the verification principle (VP) itself can be proved? The VP is

  6. Clean Room Crane Electric Chain Hoist ,Electric Chain Hoist,Clean Room Crane,wire rope hoist

    SMF has an excellent reputation in the field of cleanroom hoisting design, have single and multiple cranes with single and multiple hoisting units. All of our Cleanroom cranes are made of A-class materials, are non-contaminating, non-out gassing, accurate and quiet. Cleanroom crane can

  7. Affirmative Action

    Affirmative Action Good or Bad Affirmative action is it a hindrance or a help. I believe it is a help in the end. I will set out to prove that Affirmative action is working and necessary. I will prove that without Affirmative action minorities would have less opportunities. Sex, race

  8. HIS 301 Course Extraordinary Success/

    HIS 301 Entire Course (UOP Course) For more course tutorials visit HIS 301 Week 1 Individual Assignment Influences on the Constitution Table HIS 301 Week 1 DQ 1 HIS 301 Week 1 DQ 2 HIS 301 Week 2 Team Assignment Branches of Government Paper HIS 301 Week 2 DQ 1 HIS

  9. Candide Summary with Analysis

    Candide by Voltaire Voltaire is a French writer who says “I do not agree with what you have to say, but I will defend to death your right to say it.” Voltaire is mocking a German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz who believes that we live in the best of all possible worlds Candide

  10. Word

    Using Microsoft Office 2007 Introduction to Word Handout INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES California State University, Los Angeles Version 1.0 Winter 2009 Contents Launching Word 2007

  11. academics

    Kassandra Madarang Manners First Before Academics Grades doesn’t define a person; Attitude does. In this quote it shows us that grades are just digits and grades doesn’t define who you are and what

  12. Love

    Love Is….. Love is giving the little girl with the pigtails and the blue barettes the other half of your peanut butter sandwich even though its your favorite and you were told not to share. Love is jumping into the bad boys’ car your mother always warned you about. Love is giving yourself

  13. Death

     DEATH Death is an inevitable guest in our lives. Like it or not, death is certain. For our soul’s perspective, there is no such thing as death, it is the body that dies. Death, dying, and the afterlife are all shrouded in deep mystery and surrounded by fear.

  14. Liberalsim

    Liberalism Liberalism is a political ideology whose central theme is a commitment to the individual and to the construction of the society in which individuals can satisfy their interests or achieve fulfilment. The core values of liberalism are individualism, rationalism, freedom, justice and

  15. Appearances Are Deceiving

    People have said “All that glitters isn’t gold”. It’s become a cliché but there is more to this short sentence than meets the eye. Gold may be a valuable metal with an attractive glitter, but it doesn’t mean that everything that has such glitter is valuable. Sometimes, even the most simple and

  16. poop

    Bio-Medical Therapies Biomedical therapies include drug therapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and psychosurgery. Drug Therapies  Drug therapy, or psychopharmacotherapy, aims to treat psychological disorders with medications. Drug therapy is usually combined with other kinds of

  17. Teleological Suspension of the Ethical

    A clear understanding of what Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) meant by the `suspension of the ethical' can be achieved upon careful study of his wider philosophies on stages or aspects of an individual's life. In this short text I will examine these philosophies, exploring what Kierkegaard

  18. Tok Essay: Can a Machine Know?

    TOK Essay: Can a machine know? Over the past couple of years, machines have managed to become substitutes to numerous aspects of human lives, ranging from predicting the weather to cooking our food for us. Technology is advancing rapidly as the future looks to begin to implement the use of

  19. Fighting the Good Fight

     There is a line from an old hymn called, “Keep on the Firing Line” by Bessie Hatcher that says “We must run, be brave, fight against all evil and never run or even lag behind...” The line from this song epitomizes what it means to “fight the good fight”. To “fight the good fight” means to

  20. God, Goodness, and Evil: an Interpretation

    God, Goodness, and Evil: An Interpretation Who is God? What is evil? If God is morally good, just, righteous, knowledgeable, and all-powerful than why is there evil in the world? To begin, let’s examine what the definition of good and evil are. Good is the inclusion of morally positive

  21. Being Unaccountable and Unprofessional

    Download the original attachment                       UCMJ Article 92, Morning Accountability, &   Professionalism   in the United States of America's ARMY     Darrin Ingraham ESSAY Friday, March 06, 2009    Outline I. Introduction/ Background II. Infraction

  22. A Difference Between Commoner and Philosopher

    I divide human into two complete different categories: ¡°commoner¡± and ¡°philosopher.¡± Why philosopher retains the highest social status? And not commoner? Why some commoners never want to be philosophers? This article would serve as an introduction to philosophical studies. There is

  23. Lawyer Should Be Philosopher

    Lawyer and philosopher have many things in common and very slight differences; staring from university education to on-court argument. Many lawyers do not know that attaining philosopher¡¯s characteristics would benefit their professionals. This article aspires to reveal the duplicates between

  24. Politics

    Experiencing God Who is this God which we heard or I heard from the mouth of other persons who are saying that they experienced God or the presence of God once or several times in their lives? Is this God, for the Catholics or for the Christians, is the God that spontaneously stands out in

  25. Human Rights: Universalists vs Culturalists

    Human Rights – Universalists and Relativists There are several key issue that divide Universalists and relativists in the ongoing debate about the cross-cultural implementation of human rights. This paper will focus on the arguments in which a universal rights regime sought to defend its

  26. What Do You Think?

    What do you think? In the view of who am I, there are lots of different view of it. There are dualisms: Plato and Descartes, materialism, and the biblical. Plato believed that we are made of two things. Matter, which changes every day and will decays. Soul, which does not change and will

  27. Nagel’s View on Lying

    There are many people who lie everyday for various reasons. Some believe it is acceptable to lie, and others think it is wrong. People who are subjective believe that right and wrong are purely a matter of feeling or taste; in other words whatever a person or group feels is right, is right.

  28. Buddha and Lao Tzu

    Buddha and Lao Tzu are two of the greatest and most influential philosophical thinkers of Ancient Asia. Buddha’s best known texts were the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold path. “But neither doctrine, widespread in Indian religion at large, was distinctive of the Buddha’s thought in the way

  29. Rhetoric and Stereotype

    Rhetoric and Stereotype Essay There are many different groups of people that are being stereotyped in our society everyday. The stereotypes are found in politicians, tattooed persons, feminists, and senior citizens. I am going to try to explain how these four basic groups that

  30. My Philosphy on Education

    The system of education is an adapting continuous process. With every teacher, student, and classroom there will be a different philosophy used. In the U.S we have moved from being centered on the church in the beginning of the century to a more secular base approach in the latter. In the 21st