Browser for Religion Essays

Religion covers essays related to faith and the study of religion. This includes literature and scripture

  1. The Augsburg Confession Translation

    The Augsburg Confession Articles 1-17 The Chief Articles of Faith Article 1 Concerning God. The Churches among us teach with great agreement, the decree of the synod of Nicea concerning the unity of the divine essence and concerning the three persons is true and should be believed without

  2. Jesus and Mohammed

    Jesus & Mohammed Jesus and Mohammed Name Class Date Instructor Jesus and Mohammed The two most dominant and fastest growing religions in the world are Christianity and Islam. In the United States, (due greatly to lack of education), there is a great

  3. Prayer Reflection

    Introduction Prayer is said to be the most powerful form of building a relationship with God and communicating with Him on a daily bases. Prayer is an expression to God of our hopes and faith that we have in Him. In the Bible, God demonstrates how prayer should be done by giving us to the

  4. Disciples Are Created in the Image of God

    “Disciples are created in the image of God, yet fallen and choosing to learn.” The Bible tells us that God made man in His image (Gen. 1:26, 27). Barna, in Growing True Disciples, ask us to consider the heart of God and states that his sole purpose for creating mankind was for man to

  5. Ancient Israel: Canaanite Origins

    Ancient Israel: Canaanite Origins Introduction An analysis by way of comparison is made to postulate ancient Israelite origins come from a pre-existing indigenous geopolitical group of people known as Canaanites, not an influx of freed Egyptians slaves miraculously delivered from their

  6. Amalgamation - 1

    Amalgamation: Ellen G. White Statements Regarding Conditions at the Time of the Flood By Francis D. Nichol (Adapted from his book Ellen G. White and Her Critics, pp. 306-322) In the summer of 1864 the "Steam Press of the Seventh-day Adventist Publishing Association" at Battle Creek,

  7. Credo

    Genesis 1:1 - In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. The Bible begins with creation, and the fact that God is Creator is always in view from Genesis to Revelation. The Bible clearly and repeatedly claims that God made the heavens and the earth and everything in nature. In

  8. Who Knows

    As kids all of our parents ask us what we want to be when we grow up, sometimes it feels like if that’s the only question they know but really they’re just trying to help us in life. The thing they fail to realize is that no matter how many times they ask us we’ll never know how to answer the

  9. Jebus

    REF NUM: RPA/2493300/CAF Dear Linda McDaid I am writing to you in relation to the claim of Jesus, Bethlehem. Jesus was playing football at the front of our house last December and he tripped and shot forward to save herself from falling she then was complaining with back pain and I

  10. The Truth Will Set You Free

    The Truth Will Set You Free The subject of God has been controversial for years—especially in today’s time. Having faith in The Lord can give you many great feelings though; feelings of relief or a feeling like weight has been lifted off your shoulders. While not having this faith in Him can

  11. Genesis

    The skeptic’s condemning cry often comes as, “Prove to me there is a God.” Usually the agnostic or atheist expects physical or scientific evidence for the existence of God, but when the Bible believer cannot point to a living being and say, “There is God,” the skeptic thinks he has won. A

  12. Mid Term

    1. Differentiate between an economic expansion and an economic contraction. What is the difference between a recession and a recovery? There are contributing factor to economic stability due to the fact that a nation’s economy never stays exactly the same. I will differentiate the between

  13. Religion

    LOVE THE WORD. LEARN THE WORD. LIVE THE WORD. .RiCk WaRRen. Welcome to 40 Days in Word. I am so glad you have decided to join me for this journey together. No other habit can do more to transform your life and make you more like Jesus than to study and act upon God’s Word. To be a

  14. The Gospels

    The term “gospel” essentially means “good message,” or “good news” Over the past couple of weeks in class we have been spending quite a bit of time on the Gospels of the Bible; the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. I attended a Church of Christ high school, and I remember discussing the

  15. Revelation Essay

    MOD 2: REVELATION ESSAY Johnnie Hamilton HTH-359 Systematic Theology October 13, 2013 INTRODUCTION In this assignment, we are called up on to research these two viewpoints in detail from a non-traditionalists perspective as well as that of McGrath. Finally we will review the effect of

  16. Types and Symbols of the Holy Spirit

    Types and Symbols of the Holy Spirit in the Bible and Jewish Culture Deborah Vance (Isosaki) Professor Nora Lozano THEO 4390 Baptist University of the Americas 3 December, 2013 Abstract The Bible is

  17. The Problem of Evil

    The Problem of Evil It is not hard to find evil and suffering in this world. The most common philosophical question that arises in response to such devastation is, “Why would God allow this to happen?” Pain is unmasked, unmistakable evil that is immediately recognizable and

  18. Bible Class

    Monday Bible Class August 5, 2013 5 Ways To Follow God’s Plan For Your Life Matthew 4:19b-20 says, “’Follow Me (Jesus) and I will make you fishers of men.’ Immediately they (Simon and Andrew) left their nets and followed Him.”  God has a plan for your life and mine.  Simon and Andrew’s

  19. Deadsea Scroll

    I am very excited to start a journey on Christian moral theology with this course. However, I am somewhat concerned about catching up with this course since I have never had any Catholic experiences in my life. On the other hand, I assume that it will be a great and a precious experience for me

  20. Religion in the Media

    There are a lot of religious issues out there that aren’t getting the coverage that they deserve. If they are getting coverage they are not getting the right coverage, because of lack of information. One story in particular has been told differently by many different news sources. They story

  21. Religions compare and contrast paper

    Jeri Williams 10/4/15 REL. 130 Compare and Contrast Paper Broadbent Christianity –VS- Islam The two religions I choose to compare and contrast are Christianity and Islam. Being a Christian myself, I feel I know a fair amount in regards to

  22. Once Upon A Quinceanera

     La quinceañera (Quince) is a ritual by Latinos that introduces a young girl on her fifteenth birthday into the ages of a young lady and introduces her into the passage into woman-hood. She is taught how to cook, clean, weave and take care of her household; she is also expected to get

  23. jesus

    Sabbath School Summary Symbolic Acts Lesson 6 Memory Text: Romans 9:21 SATURDAY: All true Bible readers knows that it uses symbols for concepts and ideas other than themselves. Such was the earthly sanctuary which was a symbolic prophecy of the plan of salvation. Daniel and Revelation,

  24. Spirituality vs Religion

    Religion is spiritual and spirituality can also be considered religious. One tends to be more personal and private while the other tends to incorporate public rituals and organized doctrines. The lines between one and the other may often not be clear or distinct depending on the

  25. The effects of nothing

    Though the early-morning buzzer of an alarm clock (or a smartphone alarm app) can be one of the worst sounds in the world to a sleepy high school student, repeatedly muffling it via "snooze" button is never a good idea. Showing up on time to high school school each day benefits students'

  26. Jainism vs. Sikhism

    University of Phoenix Material Jainism vs. Sikhism Part I Read the assigned chapters for the week and complete the following table. Be as specific as possible when identifying practices, beliefs, rituals, and historical elements. Cite sources in APA formatting. Core Beliefs

  27. Critical Thinking

    CRIT Islam is one of the largest followed religions in the world. The religion is similar to Christianity in several ways, but there are also multiple contrasts. I am a Christian, but due to my personal experience dating a Muslim man, I was forced to study and learn some intricate areas

  28. catastrophy

    Essay: My hometown introduction I introduce my hometown to you. I live in Kumamoto in Japan. Kumamoto is part of the Kyushu district. Kumamoto is a very good place. There is fresh air, clean water, and very beautiful nature. Kumamoto has good place. Do you know Mt. Aso? It is famous as the

  29. Critical Thinking- Hinduism

     Critical Thinking Paper Hinduism APOL 104 October 5, 2015 “Hinduism is a collective term that many philosophical and religious traditions native to India.” (Patheos Library 2008-2015). To date, Hinduism does not have one specific founder,

  30. Compare Benedict and Claire's Rules

    Comparative Analytical analysis of the Benedict’s and Clare’s rule Benedict of Nursia was a Christian saint who was born at Rome in the fifth century. He later moved to and settled at Monte Casino where he established his monastery of Christian brotherhood. This is where he formed the basis