Atlas Shrugged/Economy Crash

Atlas Shrugged/Economy Crash

“Who’s fault is it that our economy is crashing?” This is the biggest question Americans keep asking these days. Do we blame the Bush Administration like so many people are resulting to, or do we look for ourselves? I read an article in Newsweek about how CEO’s of large companies are to blame. When their business crashes, they get huge amounts of money while the other workers just get kicked out on the street. The ex-CEO of Merrill Lynch was said to be given an estimated $161 million dollars when their business went down the drain. At the same time, our country is in $12 trillion dollars worth of debt. That’s $39,400 a person and no normal person can afford that. The only thing our government could do is decrease the value of our dollar which would increase inflation greatly. So instead of all this money going to failing CEO’s of huge companies, it should be going to fix our debt so we don’t end up like the world of Atlas Shrugged. Another situation used to blame the economy crash is credit and banks. Banks lend money and don’t get it back in return. According to, the feds are trying to raise interest rates to help fight inflation.
In Ayn Rand’s vision of the world, the world was crumbling. Only a few people had the power to help and the whole book was mainly how these people used their power to try and fix things. The main similarity between our world and Ayn Rand’s world is the looters. The people who try and mooch off of everything we own, everything we rightly make, for example; the CEO’s of the huge but failed companies take the rightfully earned money from everyone else who works for that company also. When their company crashed, the CEO’s got all the money, leaving none to the lower workers who probably did three times the work for 10 times less the salary. The same goes for Atlas Shrugged, for example; Jim Taggart let Dagny do all of the work while he took credit for it. He was the one who got paid in the end, not the...

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