Free Essays on Why I Want To Be An Nco

  1. Disrespected an Nco

    I am writing this essay on respect due to the fact that i disrespected an NCO that highly lacks it among his soldiers. Hopefully by writing this essay it'll help this NCO understand the definition of respect and maybe he will figure out why he does not have any. Respect...

  2. lying to a nco

    First thing I am going to talk about in this essay is the seven army values and the importance of them to the army. In the US army we are taught to live by the Seven Army Values. They are broken down to us in the acronym “LDRSHIP”. Loyalty “Bear true faith and allegiance to the U.S. constitution, the...

  3. What Is an Nco

    WHAT IS AN NCO Today I will remind myself as to why I am an NCO, and what it will take to improve my skills as an NCO. “I am a Noncommissioned Officer, a Leader of Soldiers. As a Noncommissioned Officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as "The Backbone of...

  4. Respect That You as a Soldier Owe to Ncos

    duty is a legal or moral obligation. For example, soldiers have a legal duty to obey the lawful orders of their leaders. Likewise, all officers and NCOs have a duty to "Take care of their soldiers." 3-3. Professionals do their work not just to the minimum standard, but to the very best of their...

  5. Why I Want to Become a Nco

    I want to be a NCO to train and lead soldiers. To be the example of what a good leader is so that soldiers don’t have toxic leadership. I want to make the next step in my military career grow as a leader. Lastly for monetary reasons to help support me and my family What being a NCO Could do for me and...

  6. Disrespect Towards an Nco - Pfc Daniel

    Disrespect Towards An Nco In order to succesfully get to the root of disrespect, we must first reveiw the actions that led to the disrespect. On the date of September 17, 2008, I, PFC Daniel, was accused of disrespecting a lawful order given to me by one of my NCOs who i have chosen to remain anonymous...

  7. How to Be an Nco

    can I better manage myself, and not settle for "good enough", and how can I become great. The NCO Creed and NCO Charge were made so a Non-commissioned Officer would have a precise understanding of his responsibilities in the United States Army. They say nobody plans to fail just fails to plan. I believe...

  8. Disrespect to an NCO essay

    The act of being disrespectful towards an NCO is punishable under UCMJ Article 91. Being disrespectful is a sign that the soldier has a lack of military discipline, and extending respect to seniors is something a soldier must do at all times no matter what their personal opinion is. In the history of...

  9. nco lying

    com/essays/Lying-To-a-Nco/301823.html I need help with...

  10. Nco History

    distance away others supported that nation's rebuilding and still others fought fires in the northwestern US. Throughout the history of the Army the NCO has been there, leading soldiers in battle and training them in peacetime, leading by example and always, always - out front. THE REVOLUTION TO THE...

  11. Reasons Why Soldiers Should Not Disrespect Nco's

    Reasons on why Soldiers should not disrespect NCO's: Well first an NCO is a person, human being just like yourself, and despite if you are right or wrong, they are always right, until situation is correctly handled and justified! Just my opinion, but anyways the consequences with disrespecting NCO's...

  12. Why You Shouldn't Disrespect a Non Commission Officer

    Why you shouldn’t disrespect a Non Commission Officer. The Definition of Disrespect is Located in Webster’s Dictionary listed as such, Lack of respect, esteem, or courteous regard In the Marine Corps, you are not supposed to disrespect any NCO, If you do there are consequences, and repercussions,...

  13. Why I Hate the Army

    married?! I was 31 years old, and I actually had to ask permission to marry my wife. I’m not kidding. Lack of culture. Arrogant officers that think having a higher position and making more money than you, automatically makes them a better person than you. Similar to #14 – officers/NCOs that think...

  14. Nco Paper

    Pvt Bryant Why is NCO’s imported to me? In the half a year I been in the army all my NCO’s have helped me out at least one time. People say that NCO’s are the back bone of the army. For some time I did know what in the world that was about. But now being at hunter army air field I now know that NCO’s...

  15. Discipline and Standards

    accomplishment. Mission accomplishment depends on information passing accurately to and from subordinates and leaders, up and down the chain of command and NCO support channel. The Army has only one chain of command. and within that chain of command the standards for all enlisted and offcers alike must hold...

  16. Be Professional

    from the higher NCO or Officer. By that, the lack of professionalism that a soldier has can really hold him back in pursuing higher rank or further career in the military. For example, if you had a good NCO that had high expectations for you and you show the lack of professionalism, that NCO isn’t going...

  17. paper

    I believe that the purpose of this writing is to get the reader curious about whether or not we, as humans should feel as if our live on earth will be challenged, or even threatened by the possibility of other forms of life, as intelligent as our own. It makes me, myself wonder if our species could...

  18. Pv2 Clark's Essay

    Essay In the United States Military, tardiness is unacceptable. I could write this essay and fill it with excuses as to why I was late, but the fact of the matter is that there is no excuse. The main reason for this essay is because I did not follow out proper orders and was not at the correct place...

  19. Nco's Suck

    Why all Joes should respect Non Commissioned Officers or better known as NCO’s. There are numerous reasons that will be touched on in this paper. Non commissioned officers are the back bone of the army. That is the main reason why they are to be respected; they instill discipline and make sure that all...

  20. Importance of Guidance and Instructions

    As an eighty eight mike, I have a very important job in the Unitited States Army. I will be transporting goods, equipment, food, and personal. I'm not going to be the reason an Non-Comissioned Officer have to knock on one of my battle buddies mother door and tell her bad news. I joined the Army to be a...

  21. Oh Boy

    Museum of the Noncommissioned Officer A Short History of the NCO NCO Museum Staff Article Written By L. R. Arms Editor Patricia Rhodes U.S. Army Sergeants Major Academy Fort Bliss, Texas List of Illustrations Percival Lowe, B Company, 2d Dragoons, 1852. Corporal Henry Jagger, 1860...

  22. Discipline Training

    merely just a small tool in the toolbox. I feel in order to truly reach a soldier and sharpen his discipline is to train harder on army regulations, train harder on military history and remind the soldiers what they are fighting for. No in terms of reprimands I feel that a mere “smoking” is time wasting...

  23. Army Accountibility

    or even if the soldier is ok. As a result of me showing up late and not calling in I could possibly have a pending uniform code for military justice action under article 15. I now know the severity accountability and I have realized that is an important asset to always show up on time at the right place...

  24. Follow Orders

    I am writing this essay because I messed up. I forgot to turn in the boot tracker. Which is very important without that tracker we would not be able to get new boots. I know I have forgotten a lot of things some more important than others. I am trying to change I took these pills before I joined the...

  25. What It Means To Be An NCO

    officer (NCO). The mission of an NCO is to fulfill what we call the “backbone” of the Army. We are individuals who can hear and understand a mission and then take the necessary steps to make it happen. It is an honor to serve as an NCO because I take pride in leading my Soldiers to success. I take pride...

  26. ok with accountibility

    qualify but do it in a safe manner as well. When I used to teach this class I would use this analogy: In Germany in order to obtain an operators permit or drivers license everyone must go through six months of driver education as well as pay what is I believe today is around three thousand dollars to...

  27. Importance of One's Sense of Responsibility

    Being on time will show your employers that you are consistant and you can be someone they can depend on. It also shows you care about your job, and you want to be there.It also makes a good impression on supervisors. In turn, it will reward you in the future. Whether it range from a pay raise, or promotion...

  28. Jeep

    sorry i dont have a paper Disrespect Respect within the Military basically means treat others as you would want to be treated. It is one of the basic army values. What I have learned it is by far one of the most important values that we have. It is a two way street meaning both of the individuals have...

  29. army

    should maintain their military bearing even in situations where it seems chaotic, out of control or a civilian would respond in panic. Now you may ask why that is? When your apart of something as big as the United States Army you cannot expect to be held to the same standard as the next person. Reason being...

  30. Her Disrespect

    you are told to do something by 3 NCOs and then one of them just decides to make you write 4000 word essay because she thinks she got her feelings hurt and hurt 7 other females in the company by her hurtful words instead and her disrespect. What else , Well I believe we all get what we diserve...

  31. History of Nco

    In the early days of the American Revolution, little standardization of NCO ditties or responsibilities existed. In 1778, during the long, hard winter at Valley Forge, Inspector General Friedrich von Steuben standardized NCO duties and responsibilities in his Regulations for the Order and Discipline...

  32. Nco Duties

    When the Secretary of the Army declared 2009 as the "Year of the NCO," Fort Sill leaders wanted to ensure that the word got out to Soldiers here. It's fitting that Fort Sill's first YNCO event took place in the field. As cannons shook the ground as they fired behind him, Command Sgt. Maj. Robert White...

  33. disrespect to nco

    Respect is an important value in any professional organization, especially in the military. Giving respect to an NCO is an important role as a soldier in the United States military. NCO's have earned the respect throughout the years of service given. Also, by proving to their chain of command that they...

  34. ENC WA1

     ENGLISH COMPOSITION I 2013SEP ENC-101-GS Thomas Edison State College Written Assignment # 1 Submitted on: 8 September 2013 Mentor: Lorraine Gass Assignment: Rhetorical Heritage...

  35. Following guidelines orders

    primarily responsible for executing a military organization's mission and for training military personnel so they are prepared to execute their missions. NCO training and education typically includes leadership and management as well as service-specific and combat training. To obey someone means to comply...

  36. Be a Better Nco

    I understand that my actions as of late are not becoming of a Non Commissioned Officer in the U.S. Army and definitely not one of that that is in the position that I’m in now. One that seeks to become a Special Forces weapons sergeant. Because of my recent, and apparent lack of discipline the way in...

  37. Wrong Place Time and Uniform

    so Why it is important to be on time in the United Sates Army? I could write a bunch of excuses on why I was late but the fact of the matter is, there is no excuse. In life and especially in the Army you have to understand that there are consequences for every action that you take, and no matter...

  38. Why Do I Want to Be a Pharmacist

    question: do you really want to become a pharmacist? If you do, here we go. To write a good Why I Want to Be a Pharmacist essay, you need to conduct a sort of research, only it has to be personal. Here is the best way to do it. Write a list of reasons for your Why I Want to Be a Pharmacist essay...

  39. Essay

    Accountabilities is one of the fundamental of the military. It only brings personal responsibility but it also shows organization of a unit. There are many reasons why being on time is important. The US Army depends solely on its soldiers, enlisted. Warrant officers, and commissioned officers alike. The military would...

  40. Re-Bucle (Ex.)

    understanding of the soldier that I really am. Along side of how the situation happened that night I would also like to mention something that some of my chain of command basically ignored. On Feb. 17, 2011 I was charged with being Disorderly while intoxicated. This took place while I was in a cab trying to make...

  41. If Had the Opportunity to Be a Company Commander for a Day

    task, knowing what to do and what is best for the company can take years of experience and some trial and error. This plus a well trained group of NCOs with years of experience in the field can make this errors to be less when they all work as a well oiled machine. With this, excellence can be achieved...

  42. Love

    their simplest gesture, and when you are in love you dedicate your unconditional affection with no limits or conditions. When you are in love you want nothing but the best for them no matter what it takes and when you are in love you have nothing to hide. Love is communication. Communication is...

  43. To Lie, Is One of the 7 Army's Values

    I am going to start off my essay on the importance of the Army values by giving you all the definition of a lie used as a (noun): a lie is a false statement made with deliberate intent to decieve; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. 2. Lie: Something intended or serving to convey a false impression;...

  44. sustaining the transformation

    instructors, troop handlers, and squad and section leaders are sustained, and that we provide a command climate in which all Marines can succeed. I challenge every leader in the Corps to make both a personal and a unit commitment to sustaining the transforma- tion. Success in our ultimate mission—victory...

  45. Toxic Leadership

    # T o x i c – F r e e By Sgt. Nicholas N. Before I get into what leadership is and how it pertains to my job, I feel it would be appropriate to first explain what I believe a leader is. Not only in the sense of a leader in the Army either, for I believe that there is a balance...

  46. Why I Want to Teach? - Essay

    ` I sat here for quite a while staring at a blank piece of paper asking my self over and over the question, Why do I want to Teach? I’m a fulltime mother so effectively have been a teacher to my son since the day he was born but why teach? There is that question again, so my new career fits in around...

  47. Leading Marines

    instructors, troop handlers, and squad and section leaders are sustained, and that we provide a command climate in which all Marines can succeed. I challenge every leader in the Corps to make both a personal and a unit commitment to sustaining the transforma- tion. Success in our ultimate mission—victory...

  48. NCO Regulations

    UCMJ and Respect for NCOs Im giving my speech today on the Marine Corps order of Martial Arts utility belts and respect for NCOs. Coming out of boot camp everyone knows what the UCMJ is for the martial arts belts but marines (especially me) tend to forget that dress code order. Its no excuse whether...

  49. Acountabilty

    be no problem. If you have a NCO that does not lead by example, that task will not get done in the proper way or not get done at all. A soldier who sees that his or her NCO doing the right thing at the right time will also mimic the NCO’s actions. If a soldier sees there NCO doing the wrong thing they...

  50. The Seven Army Vaues and Wha They Mean to Me

    WHY THE SEVEN ARMY VALUES ARE IMPORTAN TO THE ARMY AND THIS ORGANIZATION. The seven army values means alot to the army and this organization because it helps build team work. Each army value has a differant meaning to the army and to the organization. The first value is loyalty and it is a...

  51. The Common Courtesy

    addressed. I believe it is something that shows the difference between a soldier and civilian. Is it just something instilled in a soldier when he goes to basic training or is it the building blocks to a successful army career? Why does a soldier address an officer or NCO by his rank? And why do soldiers...

  52. AR 4856- Initial Counseling US ARMY

    you can accomplish that. Purpose of counseling: Initial Counseling (performance/professional growth) This is your initial counseling. I will outline what I expect of you as a member of this squad. Key Points of Discussion: Daily Duties: You are expected to show up to first formation well...

  53. help

    that arise from ones position”. It is one of the primary values in the Army today. Duty is the reason why we get up every day and prepare to defend the United States of America with our lives. This is why it is very important to be at your appointed place of duty when you are obligated to, or even just...

  54. Why I Want to Become a Psychologist

    as I can remember I was first, the family counselor, then the community “nurse”. It also became apparent to my mother, her friends and my friends that I am not one to share or discuss another person’s secrets no matter who asked or what tactics they used. Therefore, along with being the nurse I was...

  55. Respect Your Chain of Command

    Why is it important to respect your Chain of Command? This is a common question asked by a lot of new soldiers and experienced ones but the answer is simple and for many reasons. There is an old saying among army leaders, “Take care of your people, and they’ll take care of you.” The reasons are to...


    PAPER ONE WHERE I WANT TO GO TO purchase this tutorial visit following link: Contact us at: SUPPORT@WISEAMERICAN.US Paper One: Where I Want to Go Task: Write a paper about a specific goal you have, detailing why you want to achieve it and...

  57. Why I Am Getting My Mba

    Running head: WHY I AM GETTING MY MBA Why I Am Getting My MBA Angeletta Neal University of Phoenix Why I Am Getting My MBA Why I am getting my MBA. I was unsure of the true value a graduate program could offer. As I researched this idea of going back to school and receive my MBA. I found that...

  58. Soldier

    September 17, 2008, I, PFC Weaver, was accused of disrespecting a lawful order given to me by one of my NCOs who i have chosen to remain anonymous. The accusation was that the after the order had been given to me, I made various disrespectful comments under my breath that hinted at the fact that I did not agree...

  59. Responsibilities of a Petty Officer

    guide those I shall leave behind. Give us the victory, Lord.” -General George S. Patton. Responsibility is bestowed upon all of us in the military. The higher you go in your rank structure the more responsibility is bestowed on you. As a Third Class Petty Officer in the United States Navy, I am the main...

  60. Giving Respect

    Respect I am writing this essay due to the fact that I disrespected one of my noncommissioned officers Respect is something everybody wants, but very few have, and few want to give some people would appreciate having a little bit of respect from others and some should make efforts to show...