Free Essays on Movie Reaction

  1. Fight Club Reaction

    novel written by Chuck Palahniuk, was turned into a film in 1999 and directed by David Fincher. The movie very closely follows the novel, it almost mirror what takes place. The only difference is that the movie brings what was written in the novel to life, it graphically depicts all the violence that occurs...

  2. Hamlet Compare and Contrast the Book and the Movie

    Hamlet Compare and Contrast the Book and the Movie After watching the Ethan Hawke version of hamlet and reading the play in class I concluded that there was many differences and was similar at some part. The movie was good but was very different than the play. There are a lot of differences but I...

  3. The Matrix. Movie essay

    Roy Pearson Professor Ybarra Philosophy 1A 8 February 2013 The Matrix Movie critics and philosophers alike agree that the movie “The Matrix” is based upon certain Platonic themes from Book VII of The Republic. In this story entitled "The Allegory of the Cave," he describes a dark...

  4. Critic of Irish Movie the Snapper and the Magdalene Sisters

    that the reaction of the family to Sharon’s pregnancy is affected by society’s pressure, their religious background. Her parents questions how it happened and who the father is. Instead of dealing with their daughter’s state of mind and feelings, they think about how to deal with the reactions and rumors...

  5. Organizational Behavior - Movie Ants

    Name: Dimple Patel Teacher: Megan Griffin Class: Organizational Behavior Date: 4/3/2013 Movie Ants In this movie "Antz" the ants shows very much qualities which are same, and some the similar as humans. The first quality that is very same to humans is that the ants all try to work...

  6. Oedipus Movie Review

    “Oedipus Movie Review” After watching the film on Oedipus I think I was impressed with the film over all. The director did a great job with capturing all the key moments that really stuck out in the story. I think the movie definitely did a great job on showing the townspeople’s reactions to all...

  7. Greatest Movie of All TIme

    The Greatest Movie of All Time How can one not be a fan of gangster films? All of my favorite movies are gangster movies. These movies are developed around the actions of gangsters, who operate outside the law, stealing and violently murdering their way through life. They show the “pursuit of the...

  8. Crash the Movie

    that separate us as people and our own experiences. Race is what keeps us apart. Crash is a perfect film to show people how race separates us. In the movie crash it shows a lot of scenes about culture theory. One example is at the beginning of the film when the Persian family was attempting to purchase...

  9. Castaway - the Movie

    Castaway The movie “Castaway” I believe is the best movie I have seen in a long time. Federal Express troubleshooter Chuck Noland (Tom Hanks) travels the world to spread the word to the growing number of FedEx employees that "we live or die by the clock." Time is everything to Chuck and even the...

  10. Forrest Gump Movie Review

    Instructor: David Hayes July 14, 2013 Film Critique of “Forrest Gump” Forrest Gump is considered a Romance with some comedy mixed in there. The actual movie was based off of a book written by Winston Groom but the screenplay was written by Eric Roth. Robert Zemeckis directed the film which included award...

  11. The Producers Movie Review

    Lane Leo Bloom: Matthew Broderick Ulla: Uma Thurman Franz Liebkind: Will Ferrell The movie is an adaptation based on the 2001 Broadway musical The Producers. Who is the Protagonist: The protagonist...

  12. Reaction Paper in the Movie: the Merchant of Venice

    Reaction Paper In The Movie “The Merchant of Venice” Reginald P.Mayang III-Sodium Mr.Borromeo In The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, there appears Shylock. He is a Jew, that much we are told in the cast list. But, as the play unfolds Shylock is seen to be the villian. He is protrayed...

  13. For Every Action, There Is an Equal and Opposite Reaction

    "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." Everyone has heard of this famous expression by Newton, plenty of times. It means if you do something wrong, someone will pay the price. An everyday occurrence of this expression happens when you speed. If you speed, and get caught, usually...

  14. A Review of the Movie Crash by Linda Tiessen Wiebe

    Crash takes place in L.A., a city with no center but a network of highways and suburbs. The story unravels over a 2-day chain-reaction period during which the lives of strangers intersect. A young black man, spouting ideology of black oppression, steals an SUV from a rich white couple. Two policeman...

  15. Newton's 3rd Law Essay

    life…not so much. There are an incredible amount of clips that violate Newton’s laws, take The Rundown for example. The Rundown is a movie that stars Dwayne Johnson and that movie has violated Newton’s laws. There is a scene where The Rock (Dwayne Johnson) decides to pull out two shotguns because a mobster’s...

  16. Compare Contrast Frankenstein

    Original audience reaction is not preserved in Adaptations “Change must always be balanced with some degree of consistency,” says Ron D. Burton reflecting on how adaptations of original works stray from the initial intended audience reaction by the author. The reaction varies because of the alterations...

  17. Research for Omni-Theatre

    a local or permanent resident while a few got affected. Only 15% of the respondents are members of the Omni-Theatre. The most desired movie categories are “Ocean” movie. Van Gogh and Night at the Museum are the films that Omni-Theatre wants to promote. Limitations throughout the entire process of preparing...

  18. Borat, the Boundary Breaker

    character interacts with unsuspecting people who do not realize that they are being set up for comic situations and self-revealing ridicule. Most of the movie contains impromptu interviews and interactions with Americans, who believe that Borat is a foreigner with little to no understanding of American customs...

  19. Language and Culture: the Undercover Blues

    Reaction Paper The Undercover Blues By Nikhita Bhatia Almost everybody in this world loves to watch movies. Be it horror, romance, comedy, thriller, action, or drama, we all watch movie because it is a very good way to pastime. When most people watch movies, they only look for fun. People do...

  20. Farinelli

    Daisie Garrison 2/16/2009 Farinelli Summary and Reaction "Farinelli" is a movie based on the story and life of Carlo Broschi (later changed his name) and his older brother Riccardo. To preserve Carlo's voice, he underwent surgery to become a castrato. He may have lost his male tributes but he...

  21. Emotional Experience Through Horror Films

    experience of fear is not a “real” emotion. In the essay “Fearing Fictionally,” Kendall Walton describes an example in which a person, Charles, watches a movie about a frightening green slime that oozes toward the screen and causes a response in Charles that he describes as terror. Walton argues that the sensation...

  22. The Society of Dead Poets

    we come across various types of emotions and reactions the class. By referring to the statement, we can examine that Mr. John Keating (Robin Williams), Neil Perry (Robert Sean Leonard) Richard Cameron (Dylan Kussman), is the major characters of the movie and the main characters that are being examined...

  23. Frankenstein vs Bride of Frankenstein

    only story that "had to be told." After seeing the first one, everyone wanted a sequel. Most of the main cast members of the original Frankenstein movie reprise their roles in Bride of Frankenstein including Colin Clive as Henry Frankenstein, the irreplaceable Boris Karloff as the monster, and Dwight...

  24. Introduction to Film: Sex and the City

    City is a modern movie set in the wilds of New York City. As Carrie says “Women come here to find the 2 L’s….Labels and Love” This movie shows friendship, love, and forgiveness at its best and worst. A movie for all us single women to renew hope in our own love lives! This movie had to be a dramatic...

  25. Horror Movies have a dirty job - Short Essay

    emotions and reactions. For instance, these movies can have you on the edge of your seat, and then suddenly will make you jump or scream and your heart will start beating faster. After watching a freighting movie some people get nightmares. A survey shows that 60% of children that watch a horror movie, before...

  26. Safe House Review

    another safe placed arranged by CIA members. It's a great period you may spend in the movie theater watching the adventure and the real excitement. The movie’s scenes are shot in Cape Town, South Africa. It is a movie that shows a lot of exciting sections like car chases and fighting with guns. It starts...

  27. Small Essay

    have a fear of change and the unknown. This is done through the characters of Yaya, Barry Fife and Doug Haystings. Doug Haystings throughout the movie is shown as a cowardly man who does nothing more than run around trying to make himself look busy to those around him. He does not seem to fit in nor...

  28. Like Water for Chocolate

    the novel like water for chocolate feelings and sensations are fully discribe so the reader can experience what Tita the protagonist is feeling. The movie instead its a good film but misses many small but important details along the story. Some of the difference that can be found between the book and the...

  29. Craving Horror

    The first horror movie I ever saw was The Exorcist. I was nineteen years old when I watched this movie, while over at my friends’ house. This movie was the most terrifying experience of my life. It left me fearful of Ouija boards. I spent many nights awake wondering whilst in my bed, what was going...

  30. Basketball Diaries

    to affect his brain in negative ways, and he suffered for it. In addition, when he used the cocaine he became more aggressive; though I think his reaction to the basketball coach in the showers would have still been violent, but the cocaine magnified his aggression. His next drug of choice was heroin...

  31. The Graduate

    The first time I viewed “ The Graduate” was many years ago when television had only four channels and commercials seemed to rival the movie for equal airtime. The censors were so efficient at their jobs that the premise of the story was totally unrecognizable. Add to the fact that I was probably six...

  32. Babysitting a Child with Autism

    with Autistic children. When I arrived at the home the baby was sleeping, the 6 year-old girl was coloring, and the Autistic child, Sam was watching a movie. At first I was nervous about what to expect but I talked with the mom about the concerns I had. I knew a few things about Sam because he attended...

  33. Families Structure Rippled Down Later Generation

    My initial reaction after watching The Joy Luck Club for the first time was that it was a story that illustrated the impact of a families structure and processes that rippled down to have a impacting affect on later generations. From a family systems perspective this is known as family feedback. The...

  34. The Deer Hunter

    the Vietnam War. This film was a winner of five Academy Awards including Best Picture Oscar Award in 1979. The movie is one hundred and eighty-two minutes long and the first third of the movie takes place in Pennsylvania to introduce the situation. Only about forty minutes of it took place in Vietnam....

  35. HUM 150 UOP Course/Shoptutorial

    ----------------------- HUM 150 Week 2 Assignment Editing Sound Worksheet For more course tutorials visit Watch the movie you selected in Week One. Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Editing, Sound, and Music Worksheet, based on the film. The word count requirement...

  36. Comparison/Contrast Essay Brave New World/Artificial Intelligence

    the masses to believe the society is proper and just or perfect. The book Brave New World written by Aldous Huxley is a depiction of a utopia and the movie Artificial Intelligence directed by Steven Spielberg is an example of a dystopian society. Both of these products show their perspective of a better...

  37. Book Review: Lost in Translation by Sophia Coppola

    acknowledgement from the Japanese. They could do almost everything together without having paparazzi follow them around. Everyone experiences similar reactions when traveling to an unfamiliar place.The situation that people go through seems hopeless like the two main characters (Charlotte and Bob) that don’t...

  38. Asiasummary

    him or for his captors whose principles he has come to value. Reaction: I saw the movie “The Last Samurai” for the first time. I must admit I didn't quite understand the film, but after repeating the movie, I saw the movie in a new light. A modern foreigner interacting with natives is a common...

  39. ART 100 Course Tutorial / Tutorialoutlet

    sculpture. • Following the example in "The Skill of Describing" describe the artwork, including its style, in a brief, written summary. • Describe your reaction to the work as whole; did it engage you or not? Why or why not? Submit your summary. _____________________________________________________________________________________ ...

  40. Stuff

    emotional reaction may be advertising that involves somebody’s favorite video game, book, or TV show being released and they are overflowing with joy and anticipation for the time in which they can purchase or experience what has been advertised. An example of negative emotional reactions to advertising...

  41. Ch8

    Chapter 8 Using Market Research to Reduce Movie Risks Test Screening • Before showing movie ask demographical questions • Ask question regarding attitudes about movie The Role of Marketing Research • Describe what it is • Identify the difficulties in conducting Market Research • Five steps Marketing...

  42. Good Film

    weekend, it grossed an average of $91,447 per theater, the highest of any movie that weekend and a record for a documentary, though it was only playing on four screens at the time. At the 2006 Sundance Film Festival, the movie received a three-time standing ovation. It was also screened at the Cannes...

  43. Glorification of Violence?

    in American culture, violence is overwhelmingly prevalent in our lives, from entertainment media to the news, but sex and nudity is taboo. Watch any movie, TV show, or news channel, and there will be some form of violence. But sex and nudity? Rare, if even there. Why is it that our country is so obsessed...

  44. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night

    named (Karl) played by Thornton who has been locked up in a mental institution for 25 years after killing his mom and her boyfriend (Jessie). In the movie Karl states that he killed the moms boyfriend because he was hitting her, but then killed his mom because she was nagging him saying “saying why did...

  45. Avatar Analysis

    Intercultural Communication in Avatar Movie Considering Intercultural communication as sending and receiving messages across languages and cultures, allows us to understand different experiences through social systems and societies. In reality, Avatar movie allows us to meditate about intercultural...

  46. About a Boy

    does ‘About a Boy’ have to a newer or older story? The book ‘About a boy’ by Nick Hornby was an international Bestseller by 2000. ‘About a Boy’ the movie production directed by Chris Weitz and Paul Weitz, is now a major motion picture. This production was based on the original story by Nick Hornby, but...

  47. The Representation of Many Social Aspects in Many Diverse Ways

    {draw:frame} {draw:rect} American History X… This is a movie that represents many sociological aspects in many diverse ways. Since day one of the semester in sociology, I realized that, everything that I have learned in the class is applied in the movie in an indirect way. The main topic in American History...

  48. the 70's

    De Leon, and other young male actors. The story shows a lot of Philippine culture, lifestyle and events in the 70’s. The first thing I saw in this movie is the good relationship of the families. How Amanda and Julian handle their children very well and the way they respect each other. It makes me wonder...

  49. stylistic analysis

    be engaged in a stylistic of a movie called “the royal Tenenbaums”, looking specifically in four components of a stylistic systems of a movie, which are sound, editing, mise-en-scene and cinematography. Sound in a movie refers to any kind of sound that you hear in a movie it can either be an ambient sound...

  50. School Shooting

    Schindler's list, we could know movie makers’ attitudes on violence. Advertisements for action movies seem to be more appealing, which leads to a situation where children think gun violence is cool rather than cruel. What is worse, some adolescents feel so absorbed in the movie that they cannot tell apart...

  51. Amores Perros Summary

    fooling the average movie goer by grabbing his attention early and keeping him captivated by curiosity. As the chase ensues, it’s soon brought to a screeching holt when Octavio’s car collides with another car coming from the cross street ahead of him. This is where the movie begins with one of three...

  52. Descendants Critque

    Course: ENG225 Introduction to Film Instructor: Susan Luck Date: February 3, 2014 The Descendants The Descendants is a movie that tells a very great story that has to deal with a modern family that has some real life issues going on. Many of us do not like to talk about these...

  53. My paper

    and charm of pageantry has become as American as apple pie. These ideals have been built up from the underlying culture of American society. In this movie, the main character Olive is dealing with something a lot of women young and old are dealing with today… trying to be what society deems as beautiful...

  54. Troy

    (or the rest of society). Societies rarely welcome those who are perceived to be different. Reaction Paper TROY With its beautiful actors, breathtaking scenery and costumes, the movie Troy is a movie for Hollywood that is sure to be a box office hit. Troy, based on the Iliad, has proven to be a...

  55. Othello and Language

    Shakespearean play to a movie is no easy task; however, Oliver Parker embarked himself in an adventure which won him three awards. Laurence Fishburne was nominated for Outstanding Lead Actor and Kenneth Branagh for Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role. The movie Othello (1995) also...

  56. Death: a Tragedy

    person is a tragedy, the death of twenty million is a statistic’. How* is this statement relevant with the way the train accidents are dealt with in the movie? This statement, to an extent, applies to two separate train accidents in the film; one that claims the lives of many while the other involves the...

  57. Second Temple of Jerusalem

    given to Moses by God at Sinai and remains authoritative for modern life in its entirety. Reform Judaism arose in Germany in the early 1800s both as a reaction against the perceived rigidity of Orthodox Judaism and as a response to Germany's increasingly liberal political climate. Among the changes made in...

  58. Anne Frank - Comparison of Diary and Drama

    Comparison of the Diary and Drama (Book and Movie) Extra Credit This is an essay on a young girl that was stuck in a very horrible position. She was just a young girl and she couldn’t do anything because of the position she was in. I wouldn’t be able to do anything about it either. I will try...

  59. the blind side

    name teacher class date The Blind Side: Sports Movie + Inspirational Social Drama = Perfect Family Movie “I should hate this movie with every ounce of my being (and that's a lot of ounces). Yet, it has a certain charm that draws you in like the girl next door, when she has her hair up in a ponytail...

  60. Remember the Titans

    Remember the Titans “Remember the Titans” is a football movie about racism; two schools, one all white school and one all black school. The state forced the two schools to merge into one and the community did not respond very well. The African-Americans did not what anything to do with the...