Free Essays on Hopes And Fears For The Future

  1. Fear and Hope

    Greatest Fear and Hopes There are many things in this world that may harm you and have you to fear in life. The one thing that still has people feeling good is their hopes and dreams that they wish to accomplish. When you go through life each day planning life and looking forward to...

  2. Analysis of "The Doubt of Future Foes"

    Analysis of The Doubt of Future Foes Queen Elizabeth I wrote The Doubt of Future Foes at a time when rebellion was stirring among her subjects. Elizabeth’s cousin, Mary Stuart or Mary, Queen of Scots was blowing on the embers of discord with rumors and lies of dishonesty and disloyalty on the part...

  3. Future of America

    For the future of America I would like to see a change in our society’s prejudice against homosexuality. Since our most recent presidential election there has been a proposition that has passed that banned same sex marriage. It has been an unjust decision that has altered many lives. Most people are...

  4. Hope

    On those who fear Him ...” (Psalm 103: 15-17) HOPE – ESSENTIAL AND ABUNDANT PETER STORK Abstract: This essay reflects on the necessity of hope for human existence. It then describes the nature, limits and pathology of human hope before comparing and contrasting it with Christian hope. I argue that...

  5. Fear of Death

    with his deep poetry. His melancholy poems reflect many tragic events that happened in his life. Some of his works, for example, the poem “When I Have Fears That I May Cease To Be”, are inspired by the largest tragedy of his life, incurable disease, that he faces. This disease, called tuberculosis, was the...

  6. The Future of Northern Iraq Andthe Emergence of Ku

    national awakening—their fight for democracy. The world is defined by nationalism, which in the case of Iraq sprouted xenophobia—suspicion, dislike, or fear of other nationalities. For the Kurds, the climax of this was the 1988 genocide—a systematic campaign ordered by Saddam against Iraqi Kurdish Civilians...

  7. Compare and contrast the person-centred and cognitive-behavioural approaches to understanding and working with fear and sadness.

    Compare and contrast the person-centred and cognitive-behavioural approaches to understanding and working with fear and sadness. Both these counselling models could be said to be “talking cures” but in order to compare and contrast them, it is necessary to look at a number of different factors which...

  8. Future Conflict That Could Escalade

    government line has been to look West, not East; however there are those in Turkey who argue that their country would in fact be better off linking its future with the Near East and Central Asia. After all, many of the people in Central Asia are Turkic, and since the dissolution of the Soviet Union some of...

  9. Future of Democracy in Pakistan

    Future of Democracy in Pakistan I. Quaid’s vision of Democracy II. United Nations and democracy · United Nations Democratic Fund · UN charter endorses democracy · Article 21 of Universal Declaration of Human Rights highlights democratic values ...

  10. Keeping Faith in Our Future

    Keeping Faith In Our Future It remains an unclear argument between people in our society, is it appropriate to try juvenile offenders of serious and violent crimes as adults? Over the course of many studies, researchers have found that juveniles are different from adults because they are not...

  11. Rhetoric Analysis of Our Fear of Immigrants

    Rhetorical Analysis of Jeremy Adam Smith’s “Our Fear of Immigrants” In 2014, the argument “Our Fear of Immigrants” was first published in Pacific Standard magazine, which focuses on justice, education, economics, and the environment articles. Written by Jeremy Adam Smith, the founder of Daddy Dialectic...

  12. Shawshank

    Redemption: Q. How does Frank Darabont Convey the themes of hope and fear represented by individuals in the Shawshank Prison? You must include a detailed analysis of TWO key scenes in your response. Introduction: The representation of fear and hope are contrasted through characters and their experiences...

  13. Fear

    The title "Fear" is a perfect title for the first book in the Native Son. The first book shows how Bigger, the main character, is afraid of almost everything he does. He shows fear when he doesn’t know what to do or when what he is doing is not right. When Bigger is scared he does things that he...

  14. Fears of Destruction

    100 Section A-81 23 September 2013 Fears of Destruction Many childhoods are full of fears and uncertainty. Most of these fears are transient and fade quickly but some of those fears carry over into our teenage years and even into adulthood. Confronting those fears and dealing with our own reactions...

  15. The Agents of Our Destiny

    This force, evolution, is not sentimental. Like the earth itself, it knows only the hard facts of life's struggle with death. All you can do is hope and trust that when you have served its needs faithfully, there may still remain some glimmer of the life you once knew. When evolution selects...

  16. Exploring Optimisim

    They are good motivators, We have high hopes of a great successful life, and we are optimistic that it will come true. Being hopeful is the motivators that keep us pushing forward and continue to strive to the best we can be. When we set goals or speak of our future we do it with an optimistic attitude...

  17. En3 Media

    logo, which is the logo of a bat. His fears of bats help create Batman and the director shows this by using the bats to make the bat logo. The light can be interpreted as hope. This could be linked in with him not being able to see hope clearly because of his fear. The next scene takes the audience back...

  18. Riveted

    discuss hope (wishful thinking), fear (negativity bias), and the evolutionary process. What makes us pay attention? Davies, J. Author of Riveted: The science of why jokes make us laugh, movies make us cry, and religion makes us feel one with the universe, states “We are compelled by things we fear because...

  19. Tiff

    between the two characters and their dramatically different views on life. Where Major injects hope and joy, Napoleon inflicts despair and fear. The events, which follow, shatter Major’s bright visions of the future, and echo despairingly the grim reality of Napoleon’s. Pigs made both speeches, however the...

  20. hope

    was a girl named Musa she was the goddess of art and music, with her brother Alto god of instruments. A day had come where they had to give a test of hope and togetherness; they were put into the wild jungle of evil things. Together they were tested if one of them falls into an obstacle, will the other...

  21. Discuss the Significance of the Concept of Hope

    significance of the concept of hope INTRODUCTION This assignment aims to discuss the significance of the concept of hope . In addition, definitions of hope, its characteristics and how hope is relevant in nursing practice as well as its barriers will also be identified. Hope plays a vital role in developing...

  22. Fear(to Kill a Mockingbird)

    In the dictionary fear is defined as being an emotional response to threats and danger. Fear has been incorporated in every aspect of life since the dawn of time. “Fear passes from man to man unknowing, as one leaf passes its shudder to another” (Charles Simic). The fear of change is contagious...

  23. Dystopia-V for vendetta

    be under some kind of control. A film with this similar feeling is “V for Vendetta” directed by James McTeigue. This film depicts London in the near future in great turmoil with its government. The viewer is welcomed to a dystopia in which the government not only controls its citizens, but removes their...

  24. State of the Union

    speech were interesting to me, and overall I felt President Obama was concerned for all Americans. All through his speech he gives us hope, but also targets the nation’s fears, emotions and concerns. A point that President Obama gives is that he is not just a president, but a father. I think this statement...

  25. Individuals Fear

    Rachelle Allen Look Both Ways Essay ‘Look both ways’ is a film about individuals fears. Discuss. ‘Look Both Ways’ is the debut feature film for writer and director Sarah Watts about Six intertwined individuals who are all affected by a devastating train incident. Sarah has used the art of animation...

  26. The Main Differences Between the Vision of Major's Words and the Grim Reality of Napoleon's

    between the two characters and their dramatically different views on life. Where Major injects hope and joy, Napoleon inflicts despair and fear. The events, which follow, shatter Major’s bright visions of the future, and echo despairingly the grim reality of Napoleon’s. Pigs made both speeches, however the...

  27. Analysis of Obama Speech in Egypt

    situation E. Religious freedom 1. Shia and Sunni in Iraq III. Pathos A. Hope 1. Solution to the Palestinian and Israeli conflict 2. New projects in many fields B. Fear 1. Extremists IV. Conclusion A New Beginning After decades of mistrust...

  28. Beronging

    even to most women. He whispers, “guess who holds thee” as he exerts mastery of the idealised image of the weak Victorian women. The Great Gatsby: Fear of Death • 110 motor vehicle crashes a day. • WWI left a mark on society (death rates) • Spanish influenza • Jazz age hysteria towards death reflected...

  29. Handmaids Tale - Context

    In Western culture there is a strong literary tradition in the creation of 'visions of the future' where writers create imagined worlds in the genre of dystopias. Writers of dystopias create frightening worlds which serve as a warning to their own societies of the consequences for individual freedom...

  30. enyzme

    working or waiting for work, and you think you know us, but our outward guise is more deceptive than our history. Our history has many strands of fear and hope that snarl and converge at several points in time and space. We clear the forest and the mountains of the land. We cross the river and the wind...

  31. A Dream Party

    individual parts, they can participate in singing competition, talent show, and any others else. While for the team parts, they may have some brain teaser, fear factor games, big-TV games, dance competition and others. Therefore, they can work as a team and win as a team. In addition, after all the performances...

  32. spaniah

    triggered the Muslim world feelings of hope and fear, by stating that instead of spending billions of dollars on the war machine, this money would be devoted instead to the construction of schools, hospitals and roads (Obama, 2009). Obama sent to his audience hope that change have come and his administration...

  33. My own Personal Hobbies

    of my greatest fears is not leaving anything behind in this world. Photography is my imprint on this planet and I hope to leave my work for generations to come. Our planet is so beautiful and it deserves to be cherished. I hope to continue my lifelong passion in my not so distant future as I attend the...

  34. Emily Dickinson Belonging

    the extent to which Dickinson is isolated. She "cannot see" the receiver of the poem. Yet she hopes the link with nature will encourage society to give her a chance. Nature is revered by many so Dickinson hopes "For love of her" the message will be accepted tolerantly. Dickinson is being heavily critical...

  35. Caged Bird

    poignant poem that revolves around the theme of freedom. This piece declares that even though there are social injustices and inequalities within life, hope and faith in the American Dream can overcome the obstacles of isolation and seclusion. It is a tale of sorrow and desire that captures the lives of...

  36. The Danger of Manipulation and Power

    the records told the same tale–then the lie passed into history and became the truth. ‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ ‘Reality control,’ they called it: in Newspeak, ‘doublethink.’” (270). In this quote, Winston expresses...

  37. Should Teens Have Premarital Sex?

    weighing the pros and cons of premarital sex, the negatives far out weigh the positives. On the positive side there is fulfillment of sexual desires, hope for pleasure, and acceptance of peers. However, it is a proven fact that if you have sex before you are married you are more likely to: breakup before...

  38. A New Beginng

    technique, to deliver his message of a new beginning between the United States and the Middle East. Obama triggered the Muslim world feelings of hope and fear, by stating that instead of spending billions of dollars on the war machine, this money would be devoted instead to the construction of schools...

  39. Philosophy Research Paper

    Final Research Paper Plato’s Metaphysics Plato seeks to find true wisdom, for without it we only see a shade of the true worlds wonders, and can’t hope to understand the worlds true nature. Exactly what is this true wisdom Plato searches for and does this wisdom truly bring happiness? Plato seeks a...

  40. Managing Fear

    Dion Thomas 05/09/2014 COM 1010 MANAGING MY FEAR OF SPEAKING PUBLICLY IN A GROUP SETTING My anxiety level is in full throttle when I'm speaking in front of large groups. I mentally prepare myself for the possibility of sweating, stumbling over my words, and not catching my audience attention...

  41. How Stephen Soderbergh uses film techniques to develop the idea of how humans behave when faced with the challenge to survive in 'Contagion"

    uses various film techniques such as sound, music, dialogue, lighting and characterisation to deepen our understanding of this, inside a story where fear among the world can be more deadly than a virus outbreak. From the beginning of the film, Soderbergh implants the idea and situation into our minds...

  42. The Causes of the Great Depression

    the United States of America during which people were without hope and in fear of what was to come during the Great Depression. Today, our feet stand in the worst financial and economic crisis since the Great Depression but with the hope instilled in us by President-Elect Barack Obama that this nation...

  43. Revisiting My Education

    am committed to being a successful and accomplishing my goals. There were several Creative Problem Solving strategies used to help me defeat my fears in order to achieve my goals. Being able to have a positive attitude and to change the mind set I was in had to be the most victorious strategy. It...

  44. Silence Equals Death

    plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11. This verse would carry me like how a mother carries her young to safety and warmth, I just didn’t know it, yet. But how could I when just a year ago I was this beaten down woman, mother of two with no hope or thought of a future without sorrow. I...

  45. Time Is of the Essence

    and insecurity about his stance in life at this point in time. At the turn, he seems to have worked through this uncertainty, and he has placed his fears in the hand of God. The phrase, “yet be it less or more, or soon or slow” (“Sonnet 7” line 9) suggest that, while Milton may not know which direction...

  46. Vision for a Nation

    human interaction. But today, the ecomomic and political winds from without and within, seek to blow us further and further from this course. The future for our children develops into the proportions of a nightmare. We have brought mindless violence upon ourselves and upon the very land itself. From...

  47. LGBT and New Civil Rights

    Better” by Dan Savage and “Actions Makes it Better” by Urvashi Vaid. Savage talks about how a video uploaded by him and the husband, Terry on YouTube gave hope to fellow LGBT and enabled a conversation of LGBT on various forums including legislators. In the video, the gay couple narrates their lives. They talk...

  48. The Road by Mccarthy

    victorious. The biblical allusions Cormac McCarthy addresses in The Road illuminate a sense of hope in a bleak, empty world. Despite a grim first impression, the repetitive imagery of ash represents hope according to symbolism found in the Bible. Ash becomes a natural setting, described throughout...

  49. Book Review: Totalitarian Power in Elie Wiesel's Night

    there is only a few means by which the government retains power. The most important one is fear. In extreme conditions, fear can push people to do unimaginable things that normally would never cross their minds. Fear is the ultimate tool for controlling people. The Nazi government used this method most...

  50. The Great Depression

    Tuesday”. The date was October 29, 1929. On this date the stock market lost 13% of their value. Since then economic hardships were in the foreseeable future of American citizens. Drought, stock value, and unemployment all contributed to the major struggles faced by citizens of America. The fall of stock...

  51. Share Jesus Witioot Fear Book Critique

    Liberty Theological Seminary Share Jesus Without Fear Book Critique A Paper Submitted to Dr. Mark Traeger. In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Course EVAN 565 Authors Information William Fay William Fay is a graduate of Denver Seminary...

  52. ‘the Day of the Triffids’ Is, Essentially, a Story of Hope.

    ‘The Day of the Triffids’ is, essentially, a story of hope. By Christian Arrie ‘The Day of the Triffids’ is written by John Wyndham, which was first published in 1951 by Michael Joseph. The novel is Science fiction set in an ecological apocalypse, commenced by an unexpected fall of comets around the...

  53. Teacher

    characteristics common, some might say essential, for all “good” teachers. A good teacher, first and foremost, sees each student as an individual with hopes, dreams, strengths, and vulnerabilities. In her classroom, each student is treated as an invaluable, essential member of the class, a person capable...

  54. Tv Images Affect Children

    expressing fear and anxiety in different ways, often not even realising the terror they are internalising. One 10-year-old girl, who lives in Malabar Hills, started shaking and said to her parents, "I don't want to be living in this world. I want to live in the future when all of this is over. I hope that...

  55. American History

    Financial services industry in Hong Kong has become more flourishing in recent years. This profession does offer bright prospects for the future and thus lots of people choose to start their careers in this field. To me, I am interested in financial servicing as well. Not only can this industry provide...

  56. Return to school

    promoted. Without further promotion, I will soon reach mandatory Air Force retirement age. As I look beyond my Air Force career, I realize that my future employment opportunities are also tied to my education. Without a degree, I will not be able to fulfill my desire to become a middle school football...

  57. Living by My Own

    As I start to set my path to my future, all types of fear, excitement, and confusion come to my attention. I remember sitting in front of the television bored & tired with no sense of what I am going to do or trying to be in life. Now that I am in college, my future seems right around the way, which...

  58. ‘Eliot’s earlier poetry is characterized by sexual, spiritual and artistic despair’

    Despair is the complete loss or absence of hope which usually entails a feeling of futility; writing on despair must therefore express a negative view of the future. While Eliot does write with an air of negativity in The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock, Gerontion and The Wasteland, these feelings are...

  59. The Next Generations of the Country

    The future of one nation lies in the hands of the upcoming generations. This is maybe considered as a cliché but we have to accept that sooner or later, the youth will have to grow and take their place in the society. They are expected to be fruitful as what the adults are doing in order to ensure the...

  60. Dante Allegories

    ' a. Theological: Doubt is as present in religion as is faith for doubt gives way to strengthened faith. So Virgil tells Dante to “forget [his] fear…[for] one so great has granted [his journey]” and therefore there is no reason for them to “retrace [their] steps.” The fallen angels will be no more...