Free Essays on Selfish

  1. Is Society More Selfish Than Previous Generations

    The unfortunate truth is that we do seem to be becoming a more selfish society. There are several factors at play that seem to be pushing us in this direction. First and foremost, we are becoming more isolated as people, with less and less face-to-face interaction every day. While the iPod is a nice...

  2. The Selfish Giant

    ' So he built a high wall all round it, and put up a notice-board. TRESPASSERS WILL BE PROSECUTED He was a very selfish Giant. The poor children had now nowhere to play. They tried to play on the road, but the road was very dusty and full of hard stones, and...

  3. Abortion Is a Selfish Act of Forced Cruelty

    Abortion is a Selfish Act of Forced Cruelty All across the United States woman are exercising their Constitutional rights to an abortion even though this procedure is cruel and ultimately leaves behind innocent mangled fetus to suffer and die. What is even more shocking than the abortion itself is the...

  4. Hello

    The Selfish Gene (1) Genes are selfish: In describing genes as being "selfish", I don’t intend to imply that they are driven by any motives or will - but that their effects can be described as if they do. The contention is that the genes that get passed on are the ones whose consequences serve...

  5. The Power of Love

    One should not underestimate it. One should experience it to have a knowledge of it- though still a little knowledge if one would say. It is not selfish. It is forgiving. It thinks out of oneself. It is more of being selfless. It is being humble. It is being respectful. It is being pious. It...

  6. Narcissism of the American Dream

    Fitzgerald, and A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry, both contain wonderful examples of this “American Dream.” The idea of the American Dream is selfish, and that needs to be realized. People will sacrifice anything, and everything, to achieve their dream. There have been countless stories pertaining...

  7. Psychological Egoism

    Psychological Egoism Psychological egoism is the view that people are always selfish. When was the last time you did a good deed? Did you do it for its own sake, or for your own? The egoist says that all of us are necessarily self-regarding. I shall argue that this view is incorrect. ...

  8. Jesse Martin

    Jesse Martin’s journey was a selfish act to begin with but turned into something heroic and brave. He left without having much training and time in preparation, sailed through dangerous waters putting strain on his family and the people helping him and finally he ended successfully and happy...

  9. LineBalancing Notes

    is extraordinarily selfish, cunning, and stubborn, but capable of being socialized if he believes he can profit by it. Philosophy 302: Ethics Bernard Mandeville, "Human Beings Are Always Selfish" Abstract:  Mandeville argues that the private vices of individuals being selfish and seeking self-interest...

  10. Eastern Philosopher Letter

    causes of suffering are human ignorance and selfish cravings. Ignorance seals the door to enlightenment, making enlightenment virtually impossible. Selfish cravings make an individual a slave to their desires and passions. A person who is enslaved by their selfish desires and cravings will never reach enlightenment...

  11. Everyday Use by Alice Walker

    Mama makes Dee appear to be simply selfish, arrogant and ashamed of her own heritage, however, Dee is a woman who respects her own heritage and refuses to allow heritage from holding her back in life. Mamas description of Dee’s childhood makes her seem like a selfish and arrogant girl . In the third...

  12. essay

    and cunning, Napoleon proves more treacherous than his counterpart, Snowball. Indeed, from the very beginning of the novel, Napoleon emerges as a selfish, corrupt opportunist. Though he is present at all meetings of the newly formed state, Napoleon never makes any contribution to the revolution of the...

  13. The Family Guy Theme Analysis

    ANALYSIS * OUTLINE * ROUGH ESSAY * EDITED ESSAY Outline Introduction: * Socially you can’t be proud and selfish to the overweight people * Culturally you need to give respect to those who overweight and appreciate the daily diet they do to lose weight. ...

  14. Never Trust Anyone

    out of her selfish and judgmental views by the barrel of a gun.”( The reader sees this at the end of the story when the Grandmother realizes that she has caused her families death and that she is unable to talk the Misfit out of committing this crime. “She is vain and selfish, and she believes...


    Africa, Kenya included needs saving. We are drowning in deep waters with no one to save. Our leaders are selfish and they only want to use innocent and naive Kenyans to achieve their own selfish ambitions. My fellow Kenyans, let us not follow our leaders blindly, let us not make ethnicity blind us to...

  16. The Burden of as I Lay Dying

    matriarch, was ruined by the selfish motives of most of the family. Dewey Dell wanted to go to get an abortion, Vardaman wanted to go to get some bananas, Anse wanted to go to get a new set of teeth, and Cash wanted to purchase a record player. Not only were the motives selfish, but also they were very...

  17. ddasdasd

    Zhanye Zhu 11/09/2015 People in today’s society are selfish and solitary. We only care about self-achievement that we struggle to make and forget to appreciate those people who have help us before. Lewis Thomas...

  18. Muet

    People commit crime for selfish reasons. Discuss It is normal for people to describe the world now as a dog eat dog world where we sometimes need to literally hurt or harm another just for our own survival or good. Hence, it is not surprising for us to see an increase in crime and lawlessness in our...

  19. Melissa

    around the fact that Rex and Rosemary neglect and emotionally abuse their children because they continue their poor habits in live life making them selfish. Many children grow up with an abusive parent, or parents that have a drug or alcohol addiction. Rex is an alcoholic, through ought Jeannette’s life...

  20. Beatitudes

    Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God Someone who is pure in heart is someone who is not selfish and is not in the world with a “me first” attitude. Those who are not selfish will see the Kingdom of Heaven and will allow the Kingdom to grow. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall...

  21. Urbanization

    reasons that people in the poorest countries and the United States is not that much different. One way people interpret urbanism is that people are selfish and are motivated by pleasing their own needs and wants in life instead of wanting to help the less fortunate. I agree based on how I perceive life...

  22. Polluted Earth

    that we, humans, would willingly attack something so innocent and pure, strikes disgust within the reader and emphasizes the theme of the destruction selfish humans have caused on the environment. To further add to this, Cheng implies that not only do humans kill whales, they kill Neptune too – a God who...

  23. Romeo and Juliet

    only the second time Romeo says “Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptis’d; henceforth I never will be Romeo.” Shakespeare displays a Romeo that is selfish and impulsive enough to give up the Montague name for a lady he just met. Romeo exhibits the way young people act impulsively and selfishly in the...

  24. Communism and Capitalism for the Best

    inherent selfish nature, which is inherent in all human beings. This inherent selfishness is a result of the instinct of self-preservation. Communism appeals to our more saintly side, wherein we think about others before ourselves. It is a noble thought, which goes against the inherent selfish nature...

  25. Japanese Internment Camps

    getting paid as much as they did. The Japanese people were also second generations, so they were actually Canadians. Canadians were also being selfish because this gave them more jobs. This was just a racist act by Canada. The camps should not have occurred and Japanese-Candians should...

  26. Social Evils

    about some of the changes shaping British society. "People are concerned about the way our society has become more individualistic, greedy and selfish, seemingly at a cost to our sense of community," the Scotsman quoted the report as saying. "Connected to all of these issues was the perception...

  27. Charater Analysis on Ichabod Crane

    lodged at the houses of the farmers, whose children he instructed. With these he lived successively a week at a time.”(pg.650) So not only was he selfish, but also he used people to fulfill his appetite. He was somewhat industrious, for example, “ H e assisted the farmers occasionally with the lighter...

  28. Absurd

    society to guide his actions, his inherently selfish nature would come out. His selfish nature prevented from stopping the young women, and his selfish nature prevented him from risking his own life save her once she hit the river. He finally realized that his selfish nature was driving everything he did. He...

  29. The Prodical Son

    we are loved and forgiven from God. In modern times, this parable can be used for each of us, but especially the rebellious and selfish among us. The rebellious and selfish can use this parable as guidance to be driven back into the arms of God....

  30. Staying awake

    nothing came of my failure, but something easily could have. It is uncalled for and very selfish for a soldier or any other military personnel to fall asleep while at a post or on guard. It shows that he or she is selfish on their sleep time and not caring for what the mission is calling for. They have shown...

  31. Success

    people, causing them to do terrible things in order to reach their goal and in the same way, glory from success can make people exceedingly proud and selfish. Ambition and the desire to succeed are very strong forces that drive people to whatever it takes to reach a goal, be it compromising morals...

  32. Slumdog Millionaire Scene Analysis

    this paper. This scene is the first time in which we see Salim act with what seems to be no regard toward others, his brother in this case, and with selfish intentions. The shot opens with Jamal and Salim in an apparently busy marketplace. The back drop of the market and people is softer and less in-focus...

  33. A Pair of Silk Stockings

    speaker tones suggest that Mrs. Sommers was very grateful that she had this money. The speaker’s use of symbolism, Imagery, and tone explains her selfish way of thinking. The symbols in this poem are the title silk stockings, the shabby bag, the cotton stockings, the fifth teen dollars...

  34. the last leaf

    has taken a ring given to him by his wife and has traded it for a monkey, the most banal of objects. Jessica’s behavior is that of a thoughtless and selfish young woman. Like any young woman however Jessica strives to gain her independence and rebels against her father’s extremely controlling manner. At...

  35. Atricle Analysis the Young Generation

    scurvy,” “millennia,” or the “Y” generation. Contrary to persistent claims from various avenues that have often termed the young generation as shallow, selfish, and lazy, the article is well articulated and contains evidence based claims aligned with the behaviors of the young generation. In fact, the article...

  36. Life with a Sense of Comfort

    in the family. I’m going to make sure that my husband (who will be working just like me), and kids don’t have to go through all of that. On a more selfish side of the scale, I want to get out of that whole situation as well. I’d like to drive expensive cars and wear the clothes, and most of all, I always...

  37. The Possibility of Evil

    Fristad 1 Zack Fristad C comp 4 October 29, 2008 Miss Strangeworth Miss Strangeworth is a jerk. She is a jerk because she is rude, she is selfish, and she is to outgoing. I HATE HER! She is a jerk because she is way to rude to everyone even little kids. She writes people letters hat tell them...

  38. Character Analysis Great Gats

    Elegant Beautiful and charming. Ability to make men fall for her. Aristocracy Selfish Classy Spoiled Appealing Materialistic Affair with Gatsby Shallow Relationships with: Nick, Gatsby, Tom Tom Buchanan: Selfish Extremely wealthy Possessive Power mongering Cunning Relationships...

  39. William Wordsworth – Milton, Thou Shouldst Be Living at This Hour

    dead poet John Milton, saying that he should be alive at this moment in history, for England needs him. England, the speaker says, is stagnant and selfish, and Milton could raise her up again. The speaker says that Milton could give England “manners, virtue, freedom, power,” for his soul was like a star...

  40. Levels of Lord of the Flies

    to create rules and a society, they boys revert back to their selfish and self-helping ways because of the lack of enforceable rules. Ralph tries to get the other boys to help out to help their whole society, but the boys would do selfish activities, instead of doing something to help others and themselves...

  41. Comparative Eastern Influences

    ever-changing, uncertain world, especially because what happens is so much beyond one’s control (Moore-Bruder). Through Meditation and self-abnegation, selfish craving can be stilled and ignorance overcomes. The result of doing so is cessation of suffering in nirvana, a permanent state of supreme enlightenment...

  42. Lighthouse

    Ramsay’s husband, and a prominent metaphysical philosopher. Mr. Ramsay loves his family but often acts like something of a tyrant. He tends to be selfish and harsh due to his persistent personal and professional anxieties. He fears, more than anything, that his work is insignificant in the grand scheme...

  43. Omelas

    and to wrapped in themselves to care about anyone else but themselves. This is a good a example of perfect society that in my option is selfish! Beyond the selfish aspect of the city, there is a deeper meaning the child represents. Some people actually feel remorse and despair but never show it, they...

  44. Good vs Evil

    Americans. Evil people are considered to be those who cannot empathize with others. As a result, they are often narcissistic, self-absorbed, and selfish. These people often only have values that can help them satisfy their own needs and desires. This applies to dictators like Adolf Hitler and Joseph...

  45. The Egypt Game

    interested on her. But if you don’t, well all I can tell you is that she will change at the end. In the beginning of the book April was mean and selfish but later she begins to change. Her name was April Hall, but she often called herself April Dawn. She was taken away from her “beautiful and...

  46. Pursuit of Happiness

    own, or how many friends one may have is indicative of an individualistic style of happiness. When I began to think about it, it appears to be a selfish term. We, as Americans, are encouraged at a very young age to be an individuals, to be responsible for our own actions, and only show sympathy when...

  47. Father vs Stepfather

    unselfish are all words I can use to describe me now thanks to Mya. Before I was so selfish, I didn’t care about anyone, anything, and wasn’t grateful for the few people who truly loved me because I was so blinded by my selfish ways. My temper use to be as fiery as you imagine the flames in hell, it was that...

  48. Dialogs

    schools are always friendly, but at the public schools everyone is selfish. -No! I can’t agree with you. at the public schools pupils have ambitions at the early age. They know that in modern life it is very important to be selfish and greedy, only then you will succeed. -One should, however, not...

  49. The Crucible: an Analysis of John Proctor

    demeanor, but this does not fit within the constructs of the play. For, although a good man, John Proctor cannot be considered a hero in that he is selfish, lustful, and prone to anger; at best John Proctor is a tragic hero caught up in a great tragedy. One key difference that separates John is his selfishness...

  50. dygtkj

    and the most hurtful of people can look back on the destruction that they have caused and realize that they have done wrong… A very selfish boy lived a very selfish life. He cared little, if anything, for other people and rarely considered the consequences of his actions. His parents had no idea what...

  51. How Is Shrek Shown to Be the Hero

    horrific. Later on during the film, we see some transformation in Shrek's character due to his encounter with Donkey. Rather than an unwilling and selfish beast, Shrek's character has changed into a friendlier individual. He is willing to listen to Donkey, yet at the same time he finds it very shocking...

  52. Love, and Then Be Loved

    ‘s not rare for teachers to complain that their students are indifferent to others.Some are even worried that the young generation might become too selfish to shoulder the due responsibility for the future of China.To be sure,many of our young people cannot see eye to eye with this.However,from my direct...

  53. Mountain to Safety

    making the safe decision whereby no one has a guarantee death still has its risks. secondly, they are competitive adults and thus people who are rather selfish. they do not want their own economy to suffer. they do not mind other country's economies from suffering. thus they do not take the initiative. but...

  54. First Time

    selfishness and self-interest. Actions in self-interest are not necessarily selfish actions. For example, it is in your self-interest to obey the law, to exercise, and to enroll in college, but no one would claim that it is selfish for you to do so. Actions in self-interest and actions for the interest...

  55. Mark

    needs to be a divider between the two sides. Killing a baby because a couple would rather much care for a boy, or a girl, is completely selfish to a very high extent when it’s one of the parents who wants to make that choice. New, widely available technology to determine an unborn child’s gender...

  56. just loot

    nothing came of my failure, but something easily could have. It is uncalled for and very selfish for a soldier or any other military personnel to fall asleep while at a post or on guard. It shows that he or she is selfish on their sleep time and not caring for what the mission is calling for.They have shown...

  57. London 1802

    home. Lines 5 and 6 indicate that England has lost their heritage of happiness and optimism to modern times. The next lines (6-8) read, “...We are selfish men; Oh! raise us up, return to us again; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power.” Here, the speaker pleads for Milton to come back from the...

  58. Dialogue of Claudius

    " This expression is important because the king breaks tradition and only speaks for himself. This shows the true nature of Claudius as being a selfish individual. After the play Claudius retreats to another room. While in the room Claudius begins to express his guilt and sorrow for murdering...

  59. Book Review: Avalanche by Chris Palmer

    a difference from other novels. In this novel had me thinking if Chris would survive or die trapped in the avalanche. In the beginning, Chris was selfish and all he wanted to do was to outshine his older brother. Now Chris looks up to Terry and both encourage each other between their brotherly relationships...

  60. kindness is treated as our weakness

    the message, and is essentially selfish. Straight shooters are "me" people, while those who act and speak through kindness are "we" people. A dangerous generality, but one I will dare to make, is that life experience is what helps to cause the metamorphosis from selfish thinking to thinking which includes...