Free Essays on Why I Decided To Go Back To College

  1. The Reason for Going Back to School

    The reason I decided to go back to school Mahogany Owens Eng 121 Instructor: Melissa Rigney June 27, 2010 The reason I decided to go back to school The reason I decided to return back to college is because I want to further my education. I am attending college, and I am really enjoying it so...

  2. Why College Why Now

    I have been seeking a college degree since I left high school in 2002. It has been a long road for me since there were some obstacles and challenges that hindered me from finishing college in a timely manner. When I first entered college I wasn’t really ready, therefore I skipped classes here and there...

  3. Why I Want to Go to College? - Essay

    decision to enroll in college has been a long one. I look back now and remember being a sophomore and wondering why people were worrying so much about college when they still had two whole years to make a decision. When it came to my senior year I realized I had no money for college, no scholarships, nothing...

  4. College Importance

    January 25, 2009 College is much more than simply a higher education than required; it is a way to secure a job in ones chosen field. In the present day, attending college is practically expected of high school seniors. A college degree significantly increases ones chance of “doing well” in their...

  5. Why I Came to College - title

    Why I Came To College Everyone has their own special story, and past events usually lay the foundation for their future. But I’m just your regular, average college senior, who has to deal with the hardships of teenage life, but my story though, is one that should be rivaled for many years...

  6. Baby Boomers in College

    Colleges nation wide have been reporting strong surges in enrollment largely due to baby boomers returning to school. Baby boomers are Americans born between 1946 and 1964. Soldiers returning from WWII caused a rise in the birth rate of the United States, creating a "boom" which is where...

  7. Reasons for Attending College

    Attending College When I wasn’t in a secure job, I decided to attend college. I wasn’t going anywhere in life without a degree. Life is tough and school is tough, they’re two peas in a pod. Hopefully by attending college I will be able to provide for my family. I want them to have a fulfilled life...

  8. Why Was I in First Year Writing

    I assumed being placed into first year college writing was a mandatory class coming into The University of Tampa as a freshman. I did not realize I was being placed into this writing class because my SAT or ACT scores were too low. At first I thought that I did not need to be in this class, it was just...

  9. It's Time for College Students to Start Cashing in

    time for College Athletes to Start cashing in! William McGee Axia College of University of Phoenix College sports have turned into a multi million dollar industry that makes everyone money, except for the players who do all the work. It is time for the presidents of these colleges and Universities...

  10. If I Could Turn Back Time

    Back in June, when I graduated high school, I was all signed up to go to Western. That’s what the parents wanted, so I went along with it. I grew up forty minutes away, so they always hooped that I would go there one day. I had plans of my own though. I did some research on the internet and decided that...

  11. Electoral College Informative Speech

    Electoral College Informative Speech By a show of hands, how many people here voted for President in the last election? What if I told you that, in fact, the vote you were casting wasn’t actually for president? When you cast your vote for a candidate, the vote actually goes to a group of electors. These...

  12. I Know What You Did Last Summer

    I Know What You Did Last Summer Last summer four terrified friends tried to conceal a secret, but does someone know about it. The horror is starting again and there is a person stalking them to try to hunt them down. Will they die or will they survive. The main characters in this story are Mrs. James...

  13. College Experience

    Pahde 03-03-09 I graduated from JHS in 2007 and started going to Lincoln Land in the fall. My hatred for school was still fresh in my mind. After hating it with everything I had for four or five months during my senior year at JHS, I was forever scarred. I was Optimistic about college, at first. Me...

  14. Here we go

    When I first started Started school I did not understand the purpose of my education. I saw it as another thing I was forced to do. All children are forced to go to school and I think that because we have no choice our childhood image of education ends up blurry. Generally when people are forced to do...

  15. College Textbooks

    Chris Cadero RHT 101-010 March 11, 2013 Essay #3 College Textbooks As many of us well know, purchasing college textbooks can be very expensive. As a college student, I can say that I have spent more on some textbooks than on the tuition for that class itself. In other classes we were forced to...

  16. Why I Decided to Pursue My Masters

    Running head: Why I Decided to Pursue My Graduate Degree Why I Decided to Pursue My Graduate Degree University of Phoenix Why I Decided to Pursue My Graduate Degree I received my bachelors in May of 2003. I knew that I wanted to continue with my education because I would have a better...

  17. Why Did I Choose College and Why Did I Choose to Go to South Carolina State University?

    Why did I choose to go to college? I always knew I would be in college just did not know what college. I’ve Choosen College because my parents told me be are all I could be. I also want to make my family proud and set an example for my brothers and sister. Knowing that I wanted to be in the medical field...

  18. My First College Experience

    University of New Hampshire was the first college that I had ever visited. I graduated in the year of 2007 and due to my grades I felt I would never attend a college in my lifetime. The experience I gained from my visit at UNH, changed my mind into wanting to attend college, a year afterward. It all started...

  19. Why Cant They Help?

    Throughout school I was always considered one of the smart kids. One who stayed on honor roll and had the stack of awards at the end of each year. I was just a shy, tiny little girl who sat at the front of the class and had very few friends. My parents never had to help me with homework, but even though...

  20. The Back Door

    In August of 1984, I entered nursing school. It was kind of through the back door. My mother was the owner of a local day care center and had an affiliation with the school of nursing. This was influential in my acceptance to nursing school through the back door. The nursing students would rotate...

  21. Why Persue an Mba

    WHY AN MBA Why Pursue an MBA Degree Claudette Wooten University of Phoenix, Little Rock Why Pursue an MBA Degree I had worked for three different trucking companies that had each been bought out by larger companies. Each time a buyout occurred I lost my employment. The buying company...

  22. Decision to Join College

    I joined the military at the age of 18 being right out of high school. I did four years at Fort Stewart. I was single and had no cares in the world. I always thought I would attend college after I did my four years of military. During the fourth year though I meet a girl that I fell...

  23. Why Citizens Should Vote

    Why should American citizens vote? As an America citizen you should vote because voting is one of our basic guaranteed rights by our Constitution and as a voter it’s the most precious right we have. Voting is the most important part of a political democracy. The fact that many people do not vote confuses...

  24. Why College Is so Important

    Why College Is So Important By Farah Shirmohammadi In today’s society, we are not only reviewed on our personal, but on how much education we have completed. Why college is so vehemently important can be further illustrated...

  25. Why I Am Getting My Mba

    Running head: WHY I AM GETTING MY MBA Why I Am Getting My MBA Angeletta Neal University of Phoenix Why I Am Getting My MBA Why I am getting my MBA. I was unsure of the true value a graduate program could offer. As I researched this idea of going back to school and receive my MBA. I found that...

  26. Why I Should Go to Europe

    reasons why I want to go to Italy, is because I've been wanting to go ever since last year before I even knew I would be recommended to be in this program. Another reason I want to go and travel with this program is so that I can learn Italian people culture, and how they live their lives. I think I should...

  27. My Adventures in Cake and College

    Adventures In Cake and College The idea of going to college never seemed to be much of a reality when I graduated from high school fourteen years ago, instead I found myself in the position of starting a family. Now that I am in my mid-thirties, with three teenage children, I feel like a kid again...

  28. What I Learned

    Rodriguez, College is great! The teachers are friendly and very helpful, and the students are also friendly. At first college was kind of scary because the fact of knowing that I have to start back at the bottom of the food chain. After 4 years of high school and working my way up, I had to start back at the...

  29. The Electoral College. Essay

    Expository Writing 1 13 Nov. 2009 The Electoral College November, 2000: Governor George W. Bush just beat Al Gore in the presidential race. Many throughout the country believed Al Gore should be the winner because he won more popular votes. The Electoral College proved them wrong. Because Bush won more...

  30. This I Believe

    Tamera Prince 10/19/2009 IVYT070/21c This I Believe Essay College after High School! With the world changing and times are tough, this I believe it was time to change with it. Being able to attend college after high school was a logical move. Meeting my ...

  31. Why I Chose Baker

    Lawrence Rice English – 091 Leslie McGuire October 22, 2008 104-644488 Essay 1 Why I Chose Baker College In the past I got confused, quit school and never looked back. I did this not even knowing why I was confused. Baker has a program called the Counseling and Academic Planning. They have Academic...

  32. College

    though going away for college right after high school is such a great opportunity, I personally feel that staying close to home for two years is much better than going away right after high school. By staying close to home, you will be more comfortable and get used to being in college. Also, staying close...

  33. Why I Chose to Be an Engineer

    Why I chose to be an Engineer I am in College to help improve my ability to support my family. Straight out of high school I went into the Navy, but ended up getting a medical discharge after a short time. Ever since then I have been in the construction industry for close to twenty years now, for...

  34. Take Me Back Where I Belong

    Christopher Bishop Mrs. Gatfield American Literature 1 October 2013 "Take Me Back Where I Belong" I have had at least ten near-death experiences...all of them from being in Boston. Each drive in downtown Boston turns into a mosh-pit of cars with some j-walking pedestrians sprinkled in between...

  35. Going Back to School and My Future Looks Brighter

    1 The “Essentials” of Going Back to School Franklin Hall ENG 121 Kim Elliott-White September 8, 2010 2 Thinking of how important education can be and will bring about a direct change in your life. It builds character, corrects mindsets, and brings about stability in you daily living. Education...

  36. Why I Know I Will Succeed

    One morning I realized that I had to do something for myself. At age seventeen and a recent graduate of high school I found myself searching for answers and wondering why I was not heading in the direction I had always wanted. While most of my friends had headed off to college, I graduated to a full...

  37. College for Underprivileged Students

    Underprivileged students who could not afford to go to college, but are talented enough, at least stand a chance at going to on an athletic scholarship. With a lot of good athletes coming out of low income areas they need to know they also have an option to go to school. The only problem with this is a lot...

  38. College paper

    Dylan Guyer Mrs. Heimes Adv. Comp December 15, 2012 College Paper There was a time when a college education was absolutely necessary if you wanted to hold a job that made a good amount of money and to be considered to have a “good” job. But is that still the case? It’s hard to say with the tuition...

  39. Working Before Entering College

    decisions is this: Is it better to go straight to college after high school, or perhaps to delay college for a year? The decision is often a hard one, but I believe it is better to work full-time for a year before endeavoring to enter college. After twelve years of schooling, I think it is important and beneficial...

  40. Why I Choose the Program

    Running Head: WHY I CHOSE Why I Chose the MBA Program Lasuandra Deloach University of Phoenix Why I Chose the MBA Program Many people chose the MBA Program for various reasons such as, to further their career, start a new career, or achieve a personal goal. I chose this program to further my...

  41. College Football’s Bcs Problems

    Word Count: 1438 College Football’s BCS Problems College football is broken; in fact, it has been for as long as anyone can remember. The rankings system used by the NCAA to decide which teams get to play for the national championship every year is an entirely unfair process, and is flawed. From split...

  42. A Difficult Decision I Had to Make

    A difficult decision I had to make. 1.2 I have made many difficult decisions throughout my life. Sometimes these decisions haven’t been easy to make. There are always questions and sort of insecurities that make some decisions more difficult. These kinds of insecurities, or hesitations are normal...

  43. Going Back to School

    Goals Ronda Shannon PSY 202 May 1, 2011 I. My life as a whole gave me a chance to learn from it, which now I am ready to learn something new so I can live the rest of my life healthy and have a great career. a. Even though I have been through a lot I can use all that knowledge to better my education...

  44. Why American History Is Not What They Say : an Introduction to Revisionism

    WHY AMERICAN HISTORY IS NOT WHAT THEY SAY : AN INTRODUCTION TO REVISIONISM also by jeff riggenbach In Praise of Decadence WHY AMERICAN HISTORY IS NOT WHAT THEY SAY : AN INTRODUCTION TO REVISIONISM Jeff Riggenbach Ludwig von Mises Institute, 518 West Magnolia Avenue, Auburn, Alabama 36832;...

  45. Sleep Deprevation of College Students

    Sleep Deprivation on College Students The Exxon Valdez, a major oil tanker, hit ground on March 24, 1984. The tanker spilled millions of gallons of oil into the ocean. This oil wasn’t just normal oil, it was crude oil. The (NTSB) National Transportation Safety Board found that the direct cause of...

  46. Pledging in Colleges/Universities

    American society, the roles of social fraternities have been sadly lost (Nuwer 286). Many young people, especially college students, see fraternities as a way to meet more people while in school, go to parties, get drunk, and if they are lucky enough, have occasional sex. Fortunately, as most things in life...

  47. Bring Back Recess

    Christina Kyle English 101 Essay 4 Final Draft 10 December 2007 Bring Back Recess An alarming trend has been sweeping across America’s elementary schools, angering both students and parents alike. The source of this crisis is the decision of school districts to permanently ban recess...

  48. the time Karma came back

    The Time Karma Came Back By: Cleondra Montgomery I will never forget the horrific time I strayed away from my boyfriend. It was never suppose to happen, at least I did not mean for it to. I once heard a saying that said: “Sometimes you...

  49. I Still Remember

    “Today is the day.” I told myself. I had to do it. The thought had plagued me for so long. I schemed, planned and fantasized about the scenario in so many different ways. In my head it played out as anything from the opening of a porno to the heart warming closing of a romantic comedy to having her...

  50. college essays

    Sample College Essay #1 I never imagined that by swimming, a Vision Center in India would be built. And I certainly never thought so many people could be cured of blindness there. For the past twelve years of my life, my passion has been competitive swimming. Mile after mile I train almost every single...

  51. A Good Fit Essay of Someone Else I Read

    As I write this, I think to myself, "What the heck am I doing? This is crazy, isn't it? Am I really doing this". As I hit send on my FIT application, I realize that there is no turning back. The fact of the matter is, while my Wall Street job is probably what most people think I should be doing, I know...

  52. College

    Edom Girma Kara Shroyer English 122 07 October 2013 College: High Road to Student Debt “The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.”—C.S.Lewis Being raised in a very strict and academic family, I am pressured on a daily basis to achieve my best when it...

  53. Colleges Challenges

    house and choose the place he or she will live in for at least five years. It goes without saying that it is not an easy decision to make. As a college student for the first year, you know that there will be challenges ahead. This is a year of transition for everyone. The challenges facing you...

  54. The Love I Can't See

    As I looked in the mirror I looked the same as yesterday. My skin was still pale, with freckles that aligned my cheek bones, my short brown hair aligned my face. Except I wasn’t the same because he walked into my life… again. It was so sudden his leaving. One day we were having a romantic picnic at...

  55. When Some Friends and I Almost Crashed,

    blasting music. I could see the wall, and we were going to crash with it! “Oh God, my mom will kill me!” were all of our thoughts. How was it that we got in this mess? Oh, right, now I remember! It all started when my aunt drop us on a quincianera. “Stay in the party, and don’t go to ‘dar la vuelta’...

  56. Why Soccer Cant Make It Big in Us

    To move to the next level of playing, you have to have lots and lots of skill, must be fairly fast, good feet, and of course just like what every college wants, you can’t be a complete dummy, meaning not failing classes. Coaches like players who create, who make plays for other players or for themselves...

  57. What I Want to Be When I Grow Up

    be when they grow up, I am no different. I am going to share my story and my plan of setting in motion my dream of what I want to be when I grow up. Since I could remember I always wanted to be a teacher. As a child I would organize my pretend classroom in our garage where I would play teach geography...

  58. Why Recyle?

    Brian Sousa Jeffrey August EN01066 12/13/07 Why Recycle? Unfortunately not many people seem to appreciate the environment. Too many people chose hurt the environment; meanwhile there are numerous ways to help protect the environment. Too little attention has been focused on the fate of...

  59. Best Memory I Ever Had

    Summer of 05’ What if there was a way to travel back in time. Where would you decide to go and why? If I had the choice I know exactly what time and event I would chose. Imagine you are thirteen years of age. You’re away at summer camp for the next two weeks of your life. Mind you this is your first...

  60. Why Kids Aren't for Kids

    Why trix are for kids Once upon a time in a land far, far away there was a king who loved to eat trix. The king loved his trix so much that he made them forbidden to anyone but himself. The king replaced the Trix original round ball shape with fruit-shaped pieces. Four new fruit shapes and colors were...