Free Essays on Taking Things For Granted

  1. Taking Freedom for Granted

    Gabriel Prieto English 96 10-25-08 Taking Freedom for Granted America is known as a place where there is equality amongst the citizens. In today’s society, we are all allowed to do and say what we please, as long as its in a decent manner. Though we all have the right to do so, some people...

  2. The Many Things Immigrants Bring to the Table

    The Many Things Immigrants Bring To The Table The foundation of America was built by immigrants who were escaping the oppressions they faced in their own countries. This ideology has been passed along for many years, since immigrants today, come to America for that very reason. America stands for...

  3. Losing Him

    to succeed, but did not get the chance to. Juinny, passing away was probably the worst thing that has ever happened to me, but with God taking him away from me, I got to realize that I take so many things for granted. I became aware of the fact that I have the opportunity to try my best and succeed just...

  4. Loss of Romance

    business community if they expect to do business here. ( Unabridged v 1.1, n.d.). Ok, so we see now that there are many different things that are classified as romance. However, the overriding idea of the different definitions is that romance is something overwhelming, heroic, all consuming...

  5. Jason

    beautiful thing once it’s not taken for granted, but every now and then it thows a curve ball and for some people life as they know it changes. This is the Story of Jason Barban. MUSIC : Janneh - Humajataritee - PLAY THREE SECONDS - LIGHT MUSIC WITH CLIPS: CLIP : “ Taking life for Granted in this...

  6. Concepts

    will be helping the environment thrive. The environment for the most part is one of the important things in our lives that we want to be taking care of. A lot of the population takes the environment for granted and if they could just take this lesson they would begin to understand the situations that we...

  7. Jason

    Alchemist by Paulo Coelho proves that places and things in the world reveal truth and emotion because people sometimes have a hard time accepting the success of others, most people do not appreciate what they have until it’s gone, and love make all things possible. VII. 1st Body Paragraph Opening...

  8. The Moment

    it's gone only to be replaced by another one. Something that many of us take for granted. Something that is often overlooked as we rush on to the next, and the one after that. The moment. Perhaps one of the most precious things we will ever have and yet we let it slip through our fingers. I still remember...

  9. Taking Better Care of the Earth

    rebuild it. So, why should people treat the earth that way, especially when other animals and plants live on it, too? Most people take nature for granted, and they don’t care about what they throw onto the ground, because they don’t think that it will affect them. They think that they can’t change anything...

  10. Ge

    the day scientists have discovered how to introduce a single gene into another organism, science has changed the way we think, act and feel. Great things can occur, disease free plants, more milk production, etc, the thoughts are endless. Genetic engineering has already changed the world; the unthinkable...

  11. A Law of Life

    that contains words of truth, lasting, meaning, or inspiration. My law of life that I learned from a traumatic experience was “Do not take life for granted because you never know when it will end”. In this essay you will learn about the experience and how I felt about it. It was a summer day in...

  12. People Places Things of Ancient Rome

    People, Places, Things of Ancient Rome Romulus: First King of Rome. Traditional founder of Rome. Twin brother Remus. Remus: Traditional founders of Rome. Appearing in Roman mythology as the twin sons of the priestess Rhea Silvia, fathered by the god of war, Mars. According to the tradition recorded...

  13. Humanity

    breathtaking sceneries. But we continue to spend our days trapped behind a desk eight hours a day, dreaming of things that we could do differently in our lives instead of doing those things. We dream of wealth, we dream of happiness, we dream of conquering the world and changing its fate. But we never...

  14. Homosexual Parenting

    parenting feel as if the child is being harmed. Those who feel as if a child should not be raised by parents of the same sexual orientation are not taking into consideration the facts. These include the number of children waiting for a loving family in foster care, and many children in heterosexual homes...

  15. An American Essay

    British decent and, thus citizens of Great Britain and the King. Consequently, when the British government took away inalienable rights that had been granted to them back when were serfs by the Magna Carta and had been added on after wards to become the British constitution. The British government attacked...

  16. One Word: God

    brothers were left on the door steps of the Department of Social services. With no cloths, diapers, or food the woman kept me until I was 18 months old. Things got old over time though. A stranger called my grandmother and said “Come get this child, or Monday she will be handed over to the sheriff’s department...

  17. Cow

    believe we should protect farmland Today's suburbanite is far removed from the farm that puts the food on his plate. He has come to take food for granted, But at what risk? Canada may be large, but only a small portion is farmable. Two thirds of our usable land has already been lost to over-farming and...

  18. Bahaii

    that there are different levels of Heaven. Baha’i honestly is something I see catching on with the younger generations who believe different things about religion as a whole. I could see more and more people practicing Baha’i in largely due to the fact that there are scientific correlations...

  19. Culture Web

    organisations' strategies to persist because they are configured within that which is taken for granted in the organisation - assumptions about the nature of the organisation, its environment and the way things are done in the organisation. Even when a strategy is formulated, perhaps based on sound rational...

  20. To What Extent Did Elizabeth Control Her Government?

    foreign affairs – something which previous monarchs had failed to do, and was entitled to privileges such as calling and dissolving Parliament, also some thing which previous monarchs had failed to utilise. Many of the issues which were discussed such as the issue of her potential marriage and succession, she...

  21. The Life as You Can Save

    vaccinations, and much more that we take granted for daily. That is why Peter Singer, blasts this thought of selfishness from many different angles. We as a society have started to block our minds of these horrific thoughts and replace them with different things. It is imperative that we remember the...

  22. Significance of Language

    There are many things that language has influenced in the world today, and that has made society civilized. I feel that language is a very important part of everyone’s life, and that it is more of a necessity in order to survive in today’s world. Whether or not people realize it, language has an effect...

  23. 3r2r2

    to the “rare Earth hypothesis”, the conditions on Earth are close to unique and the possibility of them taking place on any other planet is close to zero. However, this theory takes it for granted that the appearance of life requires conditions identical to those on Earth. But is it true? If life on...

  24. Doing the Right Thing at the Right Time

    Doing the right thing at the right time Doing the right thing at the right time means, being or doing what you are supposed to do at the appointed time and place. With out it things don’t get done, people can get hurt or killed, and equipment can get damaged, stolen, or not get fixed. Doing the...

  25. My Family

    My Last Day What happens when a normal day turns into the scariest thing you have ever lived? When all your fears pile up to a single moment, down to the last minute. When you ask yourself, is this it? And all your dreams and memories banish into the cold air and dead silent around you.         ...

  26. Self Respect

    includes emotionality (one must feel a sense of worth) She asserts that the traditional discussion of self-respect is faulty; it is not necessarily a thing that can be narrowly defined. Rather, it is a “complex of multiply layered and interpenetrating phenomena that compose a certain way of being in the...

  27. Influence Essay

    something that we think should be fixed in order to make us happy. At times I find myself doing exactly that, thinking that if I improved my image maybe things would be different in how I feel or how people view me. But then I remember that the exterior is just what people see and that our character is what...

  28. Africa can be united

    understanding of the young Nigerian children age 8-16 that came on the excursion. Indeed, times are changing now. I remember sometime in 2006 when I was taking my daughter to resume high school in Nairobi. At the Namanga border on the Kenya side, the immigration officer would not grant me a visa to enter Kenya...

  29. Immigration in Spain

    with the immigrants. Under the EU law, if an asylum seeker applies and manages to be a recognized refugee, the government must provide them with things like food and shelter, the government must also pay for education if necessary. On the other hand, if one is caught attempting to immigrate illegally...

  30. The American Revolution

    behavior from the English towards the colonists. The first factor that contributed to the American Revolution was the French and Indian War. The only thing that the English and the French had in common was they both wanted the land in North America. After seven years the war was ended with a line of separation...

  31. Emmeline Pankhurst

    seriously she was taking the campaign. When being put in prison Emmeline Pankhurst severe hunger strike meant that she was forced fed. Her immense willpower shows her determination further. However, the campaigning was controversial and the extremist approach was not seen as a positive thing from everyone...

  32. Elizabeth Kubler


  33. Voting Laws

    Sense of duty and respect the law is morally good. With that being said, a non-consequentialist would agree with the law change because it is the right thing to do by obeying the law. Virtue ethics is a moral theory that makes virtue the central concern. In virtue ethics, moral conduct is supposed to...

  34. Mi thing

    dialogue. It reads as if you are at his side and he is explaining it as a friend, which I know you will enjoy. You are fortunate because you are taking the time now, before you have made a serious mistake, I hope, to learn about yourself and to study your craft. The traders who take the time to reflect...

  35. A photograph

    makes me realize how important life is. My family is important to me and without my family; life would not be the same. There are so many beautiful things that life brings you such as experiences, laughter, joy. Without any new and exciting experiences, I would not know what I have been losing out in...

  36. Team Character Analysis

    motivators who can easily can share their enthusiasm about projects with others in an effort to complete a task. This personality type encompasses a “Get Things Done” attitude with a passion for change and deeper comprehension. Given this team member will be an effective leader and can make sure that there...

  37. King Versus Guiner

    demanded by the oppressed".[512] One must at all times protect our freedom from the oppressor, to remain free with that experience never taken for granted. "For years now I have heard the words[sic] "Wait!" It rings in the ear of every Negro with a piercing familiarity. This "Wait" has almost always...

  38. college entrance essay

    From wrapping my dog in gauze to taking anatomy and biology one of things I have dreamed about is becoming a doctor. There are many things I want to do in life win a championship in a high school football, become a doctor, and go to the University of California San Diego. There are many reasons I want...

  39. Sandpiper

    on is humanity’s world, made up of billions and billions of tiny pieces of rock and sand. All different shades of tan, gray, and white, but only by taking the time to stop and look closer may people see the smallest details that surround them. These small grains continually come and go with each wave...

  40. Proposal essay

    This would be a great way for the campus to stay clean and keep the environment on campus a friendly one and it could also help the students buy some things they need. Also, when going to college games if you look around you will see fans that wear their favorite players t-shirt or jersey. So where does...

  41. Outline how material things favour the activities of some groups of people over others on a street you know.

    Outline how material things favour the activities of some groups of people over others on a street you know. Material objects play a very important role in everyday lives and often happens that they are taken for granted so in consequence overlooked.Close investigation of activities on my chosen...

  42. College: the Biggest Change Since Puberty

    worries. My mom did all the cleaning. I did not have to get a job because I had no need for money. That has all changed now that I am in college. One thing I miss is my family. Family is very important to me, so when it came time to move out on my own, I was pretty nervous. I am used to living with a large...

  43. Museum Trip

    elaboration and meaningful learning showing that by paying attention to the things presented to them in the field trip. They might be new to the experience of going to a museum and seeing it almost like a sponge soaking up all of the things they see. Noticing all the fine details of the paintings and artifacts...

  44. The historical Roots of Our Ecological Crisis

    statements made in the Bible to clarify the ecological issues in today’s world. White talks about how within the boundaries of the Christian belief, God granted man dominion over nature, thus a majority of mankind today sees themselves as being completely in control over the land. In this article, White states...

  45. The Moment

    it's gone only to be replaced by another one. Something that many of us take for granted. Something that is often overlooked as we rush on to the next, and the one after that. The moment. Perhaps one of the most precious things we will ever have and yet we let it slip through our fingers. I still remember...

  46. Vw America

    looks at the new perspective of priority management, the new process is a positive improvement due to several reasons: • The process of decision taking and priority assignment became more transparent and easy to understand even to individuals or groups that were not directly involved in the project; ...

  47. Value in Testing

    as there has been formal education there has been a need to judge the level of knowledge of the students. While I don’t question the need for test taking, some of the modern ideas that have been pushed in this realm I find questionable. The idea of state mandated tests is what I refer to as being questionable...

  48. Volunteer Experience

    situation our country is facing, many were just jobless and in need of a free meal. Seeing this made me feel a little ashamed about how I take so much for granted. Some of the people here did not have a home, a bed or even a family. I knew this experience would be one that I would forever use as a constant reminder...

  49. A Trip Into Unfamilar Territory

    are blessed with many opportunities that others do not always get. Vowing to myself, that from this day on I would cherish each thing I have. Not taking anything for granted. I now see why it was so important for my parents to take us outside from what we know....

  50. Labor Practies

    with a profit of income for them to live on. What some people taken for granted such as, cloths, shoes, rugs, chocolate, etc. are just a few examples of what these children are making in the sweatshops. Child labor is one thing that most companies do not want their names tied to if found out by the...

  51. Current Immigration Policies and Possible Remedies

    illegally instead of simply releasing them back to Mexico. The only thing “catch and release” is teaching the illegal immigrants is that they can keep trying to get back into the states until they get it right, which is not “right”. Another thing to ponder on is how critical Mexico is about our immigration...

  52. Taking Someone Into Consideration

    Respect means a lot of different things. On a practical level it seems to include taking someone's feelings, needs, thoughts, ideas, wishes and preferences into consideration. We might also say it means taking all of these seriously and giving them worth and value. In fact, giving someone respect seems...

  53. Poker

    Hoover Joy Palmer English 102-023 September 18, 2008 Ethnography Sketch The most common form of professional poker played today is Texas Hold-‘em. Granted some dealers will switch up the game on a whim, from Hold-‘em to Omaha to Stud etc., all different kinds of poker. Poker is televised daily in America...

  54. C212 marketing

    qualities to inspire and mold others and inspire them to be the best they can be as they perform their jobs? By a study of my strengths and weakness and taking the Seven Habits profile I will be able to find out more about my leadership abilities. It is my desire to be a leader that will empower others by...

  55. Equilibrium Movie

    established a military-like force which specialized in searching and destroying all the forbidden works, and making sure that all of the citizens are taking their emotion-suppressing injections on a daily basis. The main character (Christian Bale), is an officer of this force. After skipping two days of...

  56. The Change We Need

    Over-consumption has been part of the human relationship with rivers, oceans, forests, and other places where resources exist as long as there have been people taking resources from the environment. As has happened with most of the natural resources of the world, man has developed a pattern of depleting the supply...

  57. 10th amendment

    designed the federal government to be a government of limited or enumerated powers. This means that the federal government only has powers over the things that are specifically given to it in the Constitution. All other powers are reserved to the States. It was passed by Congress in September 1789 and...

  58. journey

    with. The mood in this story is someone or something always trying to hold us back, “Mend my life!” (Oliver line #10) . It holds us back from taking the “journey” to become our own individuals.We need to find our selves. It speaks of society, “the voices around you” (Oliver line #3) how it can...

  59. Psychology Perspectives

    perspective looks at how we think or remember and why we remember some things better than others. To me I think of scents that trigger memories of my life, like a certain cologne or the smell of a doctor’s office. When I smell these things I can go back to exact experiences, remembering the smallest of detail...

  60. The Past

    to the well so we can turn the water on?” My answer was always a “Yes!” full of excitement. “Be careful, Julie, I don’t want you falling off that thing again, they are very dangerous. Just make sure you go slowly!” I wouldn’t be lying if I said I heard my grandma tell me that 100 times. She is the...